Customers: Rosvodokanal of group of companies
Contractors: 1C: The first BIT (earlier 1C: Accounting and Trade) Product: 1C: Payroll and HR Management 8Project date: 2011/06
Number of licenses: 100
Specialists of 1C: Accounting and Trade company (BIT) completed the project of automation of payroll calculation and personnel management in ROSVODOKANAL group. The solution "1C: Payroll and HR Management 8" was implemented in Management company and eight water utilities in different regions of Russia and Ukraine. Specialists of BIT led all payment types, the list of compensations and privileges and also the reference book of positions to the uniform standard. In a project deliverable the transparency of calculation of additional payments to employees increased, now allowances in all water utilities of group are charged by strictly regulated criteria. In total about 100 jobs are automated.
Core activities of ROSVODOKANAL group are services in water supply and water disposal. Water utilities of group are provided in 8 regions. Work of regional water utilities is coordinated by Management company in Moscow. Today under control of UK ROSVODOKANAL LLC 8 water utilities ‑ Barnaul, Kaluga and the Kaluga region, Krasnodar, Omsk, Orenburg, Tver, Tyumen, Luhansk and the Luhansk region ‑ work with the total number of 17,000 staff.
Though all divisions are engaged in the same activity, earlier at each enterprise there was the wage system, the organization structure, the list of social guarantees, different information systems were used. As a result, the management could not analyze whether funds are effectively spent, charge of allowances and awards, etc. is how proved. Because of differences in an organization structure there were difficulties in interaction between water utilities.
As a result the management decided to implement the modern HR system uniform for all divisions. It was required to unify the settlement scheme with personnel, to create uniform reference books of positions in all branches, to adjust a time recording, etc. At the same time process of implementation of a new system should be organized so that not to break the normal mode of work of HR and settlement departments – employees of water utilities had to receive timely the salary and the due additional payments.
Based on an open competition the 1C: Accounting and Trade company (BIT) which specialists have necessary competences and experience of successful implementation of similar projects became the partner in implementation of a uniform HR system. As a basis for a new system the solution "1C: Payroll and HR Management 8" was selected. As the staff of ROSVODOKANAL company already worked with the previous versions of solutions of 1C, the enterprise could reduce costs for adaptation to the new program.
According to Kirill Vladimirovich Gusev, the project manager from 1C: Accounting and Trade company (BIT): "Implementation of the unified personnel management system based on "1C: Payroll and HR Management 8" in ROSVODOKANAL Group was rather difficult. On project implementation we were given 8 months. At the same time it was required to automate remote water utilities and management company in Moscow. Besides, implementation of the unified personnel management system was carried out within the general program for optimization, unification and automation of business. Therefore supplementary procedures under approval of requirements and also permanent monitoring of possible risks were necessary. Own project office ROSVODOKANAL Group rendered us all necessary assistance and support. As a result the project was executed in the planned terms with full compliance with the budget".
Within the project the following sections and business processes are automated:
- Personnel records;
- Accounting of categories of personnel;
- Time recording using registration of deviations;
- Accounting of work in overtime;
- Accounting of work in festive and the days off;
- Payroll;
- Calculation of a reserve of holidays;
- Calculation of a reserve of an annual bonus;
- Accounting of payment under the PIT and insurance premiums;
- Reflection of salary and reserves in regulated accounting;
- Formation of the regulated reporting;
- The personified accounting.
Implementation happened at the same time in all enterprises of group. The staff of BIT held preliminary full-scale system testing, provided training and user support, seminars and webinars were organized and also the complex of instructions for work with subsystems is developed. Thanks to it system deployment and input in commercial operation were carried out without stopping works of personnel departments of water utilities.
For user support specialized development of BIT - the module "Register of Notes" was used. The subsystem allows to send in real time notes on work with 1C:Enterprise 8 to technical support service. Thanks to it specialists can quickly correct errors, execute wishes, implement requirements, etc. Necessary level of service at implementation was as a result provided.
In total about 100 jobs were automated.
As a result of implementation it was succeeded to solve a number of important problems:
- The uniform configuration "1C: Payroll and HR Management 8" was implemented in eight water utilities and Management company;
- The unified list of compensations and privileges including two categories is developed there are legislatively regulated guarantees and additional which the company uses on own initiative. For the last accurate conditions of providing are registered. So, the gift from the company by the professional holiday "Day of Housing and Public Utilities" is provided to the employees who worked in Rosvodokanal Group not less than 1 year and not having authority punishments within the previous year, and a single award in connection with the fiftieth anniversary of the enterprise – to workers with three-year length of service. In total Rosvodokanal uses about 40 types of social guarantees, from them "gifts from the company" ‑ 11 types, "financial support" now – 9, "additional paid leaves" ‑ 8, "payment of sick-lists" and VHI – 3 and also about 10 types of awarding.
- All types of calculations have uniform settings. The reference book of positions and also the list of charges and deduction in all water utilities of group is unified. Automated verification of a possibility of charge of social payments for Management company and on water utilities of group;
- The time recording by method of registration of deviations for employees with difficult replaceable working schedules is implemented. Thanks to it personnel officers were exempted from need to fill out on employees manually documents sheets of a time recording. Possibilities of the standard solution allowed to automate accounting of work in festive and the days off and also in overtime, to calculate the corresponding charges;
- Calculation of reserves of holidays and an annual bonus is implemented. The functionality of the program allowed to automate charge and write-off of reserves and also to automatically create the corresponding accounting entries.
Creation of the unified system allowed to provide transparency and uniformity of charges of additional payments to employees. If earlier in each water utility there was the list of allowances (in one region could be 5, in another ‑ 20 criteria), then now all water utilities charge awards by strictly regulated criteria. The management can see reports on each enterprise and analyze what funds were spent for awards for what awards and allowances as far as it is proved were charged.
Also the group managed to unify an organization structure of water utilities. If before division, engaged in the same activity, carried different names, then now business units are unified that considerably simplifies interaction in holding.
Having estimated results of works, the Deputy General Manager for Economics and to finance of UK ROSVODOKANAL LLC Vadim Viktorovich Pesochinsky emphasized: "Implementation of the program allowed to unify personnel management in all water utilities of group. Due to uniform criteria of charge of awards we strengthened control of additional payments to employees. Use of one configuration for all water utilities gave the chance to cut down expenses on updating and service of an information system. Structural changes which implementation allowed to make considerably improved internally interaction of divisions. We express gratitude to the staff of BIT for an accurate adherence to deadlines and the project budget. Are completely satisfied with service. We will continue cooperation with 1C: Accounting and Trade company (BIT)".