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Hitachi Power Tools upgrades to the new version of an information system

Customers: Hitachi Power Tools

Moscow; Trade

Contractors: Navicon
Product: Microsoft Dynamics AX

Project date:

In the Russian representative office of Hitachi Power Tools the project on transfer of the existing information system to the new version of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 is complete. Besides, accounting and tax accounting of the new legal entity which entered into Hitachi Power Tools Group was automated. The project is executed by NaviCon Group company.

Cooperation of Hitachi PT and NaviCon Group began in 2008 when the representative office of the Japanese company made the decision to replace the partner performing support of a system. At that time in the company of the customer based on Microsoft Dynamics AX 3.0 accounting was automated, the reporting was prepared manually. Besides, there was no support and operational updates for compliance of RAS. These problems promoted transition to the new version of the software product and change of integrator. Transition to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 matched the organization of the new legal entity for which activity automation this solution was also selected.

Within the project the following modules are implemented: RAS of representation and Russian legal entity; settlings with partners (settlings with clients and suppliers); inventory management (accounting of the electric tool and spare parts); tax accounting (calculation of income tax and formation of the declaration for income tax); the electronic reporting (unloading of forms of accounting records in XML); also was own development of NaviCon Group for preparation of the reporting – ReportDesigner is implemented.

The project is implemented in four months. 20 jobs are automated. Further it is going to solve for providing the head company to the reporting a problem of transformation of data from local standards of accounting in IFRS.