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OTP Bank, with the support of GlowByte and Data Sapience, has implemented a metadata management system

Customers: OTP Bank

Moscow; Financial Services, Investments and Auditing

Product: Data Sapience: Data Governance Enterprise Metadata Management (DG.EMM)

Project date: 2023/08  - 2024/06

2024: Implementation of Data Governance Enterprise Metadata Management

OTP Bank, together with GlowByte and Data Sapience, has completed the implementation of a metadata management system. The project, launched in August 2023, was implemented by IT integrator GlowByte in June 2024. As a technological basis, the domestic POData Governance Enterprise Metadata Management (DG.EMM) of the Data Sapience vendor was used. GlowByte announced this on September 10, 2024.

The project was aimed at improving data management processes and their description, centralizing knowledge about data in the organization, fully searching for data both at the system level and at the level of business concepts and terms, consolidating data expertise, as well as identifying data dependencies and developing data security. As a result of the implementation of the DG.EMM product, all new tasks and changes in the analytical framework are processed through a centralized platform. This approach ensures that data is up-to-date and usable across all business processes.

The DG.EMM platform combines the functionality of a data catalog and a business glossary: its advantage is flexibility in terms of supported types of metadata and their structure, their life cycles and integrations, as well as support for two "pictures of the world" - current and target. These capabilities allow you to build a solution both from the "classic" bottom-up scenario - from technical metadata and flow descriptions to business metadata, and from the top down, when changes are designed and described in the metadata management system and published after their implementation in systems. 

These features made it possible to adapt to the processes and role model of OTP Bank and, without loss, transfer the previously accumulated description of data, as well as integrate into change management and perform a significant part of the work by the bank.

The project is completely based on domestic, ON which becomes especially important in the context of growing demand for the Russian IT solutions. 

One of the key areas of our data management strategy is its accessibility and clarity to all users. It was decided to implement the Metadata Management class tool: we chose the Data Governance EMM platform because of its flexibility and integration into change management processes. Together with the contractor's team, they conducted a pilot, made sure of the declared capabilities of the software and put it into commercial operation. Now all new requirements for the development of a new data warehouse and analytical loop as a whole pass through the data management platform , forming a single bank-wide knowledge base about data,
said Nikolay Shevtsov, CDO OTP Bank.

Data Sapience has developed a system taking into account the accumulated practical experience of implementing tools of this class. A bet has been made on the maximum flexibility of the product. The main goal is not just to give customers tools for describing data, but to integrate as much as possible into change management processes in order to keep everything up to date. It is planned to further automate work using machine learning methods in order to reduce the time for describing the data. It is also planned to develop the functionality of data quality control on a single platform,
noted Kirill Evdokimov, Head of Data Governance GlowByte.