Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Телемост, посвященный детским массовым железнодорожным перевозкам, прошел в 14 городах

Customers: Fund of support of education

St. Petersburg; Public and non-profit structures

Contractors: Croc
Product: VKS projects (video conferencing)

Project date: 2011/03

The CROC company provided in April of 201 years VIDEOCONFERENCING studio at the Moscow office for holding a session of a video conferencing with 13 studios constructed by CROC by request of Fund of support of education in the different cities of Russia. On video conference representatives of departments of the Russian Federation discussed the organization of children's mass transportations to vacation spots during the summer period and a summer improving campaign of 2011.

Representatives of leadership team of JSC Federal Passenger Company and JSC Russian Railways, representatives of the Ministries of Education, sport, tourism and youth policy, health care and social development, other high-ranking officials and also members of the media became guests of the Moscow studio. An opening speech of conferees Alexey Fedorov, the vice president of fund of support of education, the organizer of this relevant action welcomed.

Russian Railways and Federal Passenger Company take the measures promoting increased security on railway transport. Especially it concerns safety of children. We use the most different methods to bring necessary information to teachers, school students and organizers of groups of vacationers. And it is remarkable that modern advanced technologies also help us to solve these problems, for example, in video conference, similar today's, schools from the different cities will be able to participate. Thanks of CROC for hospitality and help in holding an action", - Oleg Nikitin, the deputy CEO of Federal Passenger Company commented.

"The CROC company readily supports the initiative of use of modern information technologies in the solution of important social problems. Not for the first time we help to organize similar video conferences. For example, in December of last year we held a session of VKS with participation of the Governor of Saint Petersburg Valentina Matviyenko, the Chief Editor of the Itogi magazine Kirill Dybsky and the Minister of Finance Alexey Kudrin", - Veronika, the deputy CEO of CROC company told Tarab.

For the last 5 years the CROC company constructed about 3800 studios of VKS (of them about 300 for Fund support of education) based on products of Polycom, Cisco Systems, Avaya, 3Com, Eyevis, Conrac, Bosch, Panasonic, Kramer, Extron Electronics, Crestron, AMX.