Customers: Toyota Motor Contractors: Abbyy Product: ABBYY Lingvo.ProНа базе: ABBYY Lingvo Project date: 2014/10
Toyota Motor LLC - the authorized importer of cars and Toyota and Lexus spare parts in the territory of Russia and Belarus. The English-Russian dictionaries are required for employees who work with foreign partners often.
The company uses ABBYY Lingvo – a popular electronic dictionary which exists in the market 25 years. At selection of the dictionary program in the company the high speed of work and existence of the glossary on automobile subject were guided by such opportunities as convenience of using of software, regularity of updating of dictionary bases, qualitative content from the famous authors and publishing houses.
"According to our research, at the employee 5-8 minutes a day on search of translation of proper words via the Internet on average leave. Even 5 minutes spent by 50 employees are 4 hours of unproductive working time a day, more than 80 hours a month. ABBYY Lingvo allows to reduce this time due to convenience – the employee instantly gets the necessary translation from Lingvo. Thus, dictionaries of ABBYY quickly pay for itself", – Alexander Rylov, the director of the department of products for formation of ABBYY company comments. "ABBYY Lingvo successfully copes with a problem of transfer, giving to each employee an opportunity to quickly find transfer, including, industry terms", – Grigory Breslav, the head of the department of information technologies of Toyota Motor LLC considers.
Thanks to topical and to the ABBYY Lingvo general vocabularies the staff of Toyota Motor LLC working with materials in foreign languages can quickly get qualitative translation of non-recognized words and phrases. In Toyota Motor LLC versions of the ABBYY Lingvo dictionaries h3 and h5 are used now.