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S7 switches to ACARS Russian aircraft-to-ground data transmission system

Customers: S7 Group (S7 Group of Companies)


Contractors: Infocom Avia

Project date: 2024/10

The largest private air carrier in Russia, S7, has entered into an agreement on the commercial operation of the domestic service ACARS (Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System). This became known on October 8, 2024.

According to Rostec, the ACARS system was developed by Infokom-Avia in cooperation with Azimut JSC. The new technology allows real-time transmission of information about the state of the aircraft and its units in flight, exchange meteorological data, operational plans and other important information between the aircraft and ground services.

source = Rostec
S7 switches to the Russian ACARS system

Until March 2022, the ACARS service in Russia was provided by foreign providers. After the imposition of sanctions and the termination of services to Russian airlines by foreign suppliers, it became necessary to create a domestic analogue. Over two years, the system has been developed, tested and improved to meet all international standards.

General Director of Infokom-Avia Viktor Solomentsev noted that the created ACARS network is in demand by airlines, and now the system is entering the stage of commercial operation.

Igor Bocharov, Deputy General Director for Flight Safety of S7 Airlines, stressed the importance of expanding ways to exchange data to ensure flight safety. He also noted that ACARS greatly simplifies the work of pilots, allowing them to more quickly receive the necessary information.

The introduction of the domestic ACARS system opens up opportunities for the development of new types of air navigation services, previously unavailable in Russia. Among them are digital automatic information transmission in the area of ​ ​ the airfield (D-ATIS), digital dispatch permission for departure (DCL) and "dispatcher-pilot" communication (CPDLC).

The developers plan to expand the ACARS service area throughout Russia and connect all domestic airlines. In addition, Infokom-Avia is considering applications from foreign air carriers to connect to the Russian service ACARS.[1]
