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Rosreestr started an automated system of certification of cadastral engineers

Customers: Federal Service for State Registration, Cartography and Cadastre (Rosreestr)

Project date:

The Federal Service for State Registration, Cartography and Cadastre (Rosreestr) announces start in operation of the new automated information system (AIS) "Certification of cadastral engineers". Creation of such system is one of the most large-scale complex IT projects implemented now by government institutions of modern Russia.

The information system of certification was developed within "The concept of formation in the Russian Federation of the electronic government till 2010". This system is created taking into account requirements of the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation No. 23 of 1/22/2010.

The AIS covers all territory of the Russian Federation and is designed to solve a number of the important problems facing now Rosreestr. First of all, putting into operation of such system allows to fulfill the requirements and provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the organization and carrying out certification of cadastral engineers in the form of the standardized qualification examination. Secondly, a system gives the chance to increase quality of carrying out certification, to simplify procedures and to reduce its terms and also to reduce the administrative costs connected by certification. Let's especially note that the AIS ""Certification of cadastral engineers"" will become a basis of implementation of uniform standards of activity of cadastral engineers and service of citizens. At last, a system will promote bigger openness of information on activity of public authorities and expansion of access to these data.

In the new AIS all functions necessary for holding a testing certification online in all regions of the country are for the first time implemented. Among them: ensuring objectivity, reliability and security when carrying out certification; creation and maintaining the register of protocols of the qualification commissions and the unified register of the issued competence certificates; activity reporting of the qualification commissions; holding examinations; maintaining the register of the certified cadastral engineers.

It will be rather simple to use a system - both to applicants, and members of examination committee. At first the cadastral engineer (applicant) addresses in certifying commission. Then the employee of the commission checks data on the applicant in base of cadastral engineers and, in the absence of this information, creates new record. If record is found, then the employee can update data on the basis of the submitted documents (for example, in case of exchange of the passport or updating of the photo). Having checked the submitted documents and having convinced that documents conform to requirements, the employee registers the statement in a system. Applications for passing a qualification examination are considered by the secretary of the commission within five working days from the date of their registration. For the applicants allowed to passing a qualification examination date of delivery of such examination (commission session) is appointed.

For passing a qualification examination applicants form in groups; email notifications are automatically sent to the applicants who entered into group. At the same time in the message date, time and the venue of a qualification examination are specified. Before the examination the one-time password using which the cadastral engineer will become authorized on the page of the portal with a portlet Examination is issued to the applicant.

During the examination video surveillance in real time is available to the staff of the commission, and pictures from the registered cameras are updated automatically. If necessary viewing a specific episode is possible from a videoarchive. In case of abuse of regulations of carrying out certification, the employee of the commission can interrupt the applicant's examination ahead of schedule.

A system will function on the Portal of public services of Rosreestr.