Customers: Accessories - BY Contractors: Averson Product: 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0На базе: 1C:Enterprise 8.3 Project date: 2019/07 - 2020/01
Number of licenses: 20
2020: Implementation 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0
The decision on implementation in the company of the software product "1C: Enterprise.8 was made . ERP Enterprise management 2.0" for automation of the following tasks:
- Sales management;
- Customer relationship management;
- Purchase management;
- Management of a warehouse and stocks;
- Decrease in labor input and reduction of time of data processing by employees of the enterprise;
- Increase in efficiency of formation and obtaining reporting and also processes of formation of the summary reporting and its providing enterprise to the management;
- Increase in efficiency of acceptance of management decisions.
During the project the following works were performed: Initial data are loaded:
- loading and unloading of the normative reference information;
- data loading on a remaining balance.
The following subsystems were implemented:
- Warehouse and delivery;
- Purchases;
- Sales.
Existence of several softwares, and as a result - mistiming of data and complexity of consolidation was the main problem of the customer. As a result of implementation this problem is solved completely