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Rostelecom provided Tula region with the warning system

Customers: Administration of Tula region

Contractors: Rostelecom
Product: Projects of creation of complex telecom infrastructure
Second product: VPN projects

Project date: 2018/10  - 2019/03

On April 12, 2019 Rostelecom announced completion of work on upgrade of the regional automated system of the centralized notification (ASCN) of the population of Tula region within the contract with the regional government. The digital provider equipped with the equipment 24 regions of Tula region, having connected 83 sirenny and 43 speech points of the notification. Besides, specialists of the company upgraded the equipment and communication channels in 23 centers of municipal level and 2 centers of the regional level: unrolled additional operations control rooms and on optics of Rostelecom connected the modern server hardware. As a result not only the centralized notification on an emergency case, but also the automatic notification of officials is implemented.

Emergencies can arise at any time, and lives of thousands of people depend on reliability of the warning system. In cooperation with the regional government and the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Tula region Rostelecom completely upgraded a system. We replaced outdated copper communication lines with optics, unrolled VPN network, installed the equipment, managements and notification points on radio - and to GSM channels provided uninterrupted communication between centers. All this allowed to increase significantly reliability of a system and to implement a possibility of the speech notification of the population on an emergency case.
Andrey Kartashov, director of the Tula branch PJSC Rostelecom

The virtual private network (VPN, Virtual Private Network) allows to integrate separate offices and branches in the single protected corporate network with a service quality assurance, noted in Rostelecom.