Implementation of mobile application for the top officials of the subject of the Russian Federation is the Government of the Vologda region
Customers: Administration of the Vologda region Product: Directum (EDMS/ECM system) Second product: Financial ex-: The module of integration Directum with MEDO Project date: 2013/09 - 2017/02
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The government of the Vologda region – the supreme executive body of the government of the region headed by the governor. The system of bodies of the executive government of the Vologda region is formed by 19 departments, 5 committees and 3 managements. Also its structure includes 3 inspections and 2 representations which are independent legal entities.
In 2013 in the region the automated electronic document management system of bodies of the executive government of the Vologda region (ASED) based on DIRECTUM was implemented. A system is intended for complex automation of work with the structured and unstructured information, including creation, storage, transfer, the publication, joint work and also the organization of electronic document management and other processing of data.
In ASED 286 organizations including the Government of the Vologda region and structural divisions, bodies of the executive government, a part of subordinated budgetary institutions and local government authorities work. In total a system covers more than 2 thousand users, turnover of documents makes 665 thousand a year.
Development of mobility
In 2016 the new task – implementation of remote work with ASED for the governor, his deputies and heads of bodies of the executive government of the Vologda region using mobile application was set for a command of maintenance of a system. Specialists of vendor and also the certified partner of DIRECTUM – Finex Quality company were engaged in the solution of a task. At a stage of preproject work the main objectives which had to solve the application were formulated:
- providing documents to a possibility of signing using the EDS in mobile application
- increase in mobility of heads;
- increase in efficiency of the solution of the current tasks;
- increase in the status ASED in general due to involvement in work of users from structure of the top key element;
- formation of steady skills of work with ASED through mobile application.
It was required to automate key business processes:
- Approval/signing of outgoing correspondence.
- Approval/signing of drafts of regulatory legal acts.
- Creation of the resolution, including a possibility of use of the graphics editor for entering of the text of order.
- Adoption of resolutions.
- Viewing lists of correspondence and the regulatory legal acts which came to consideration, search of tasks in the list on a key word.
- Viewing correspondence.
It was initially going to cover the system of 70 users.
The top management of area took active part in formation of requirements to mobile application and its further testing.
Features of processes
1. "Approval / Signing of outgoing correspondence and legal acts" became one of the most demanded processes in mobile application for the head. For convenience of the head automatically at receipt of the document "The sheet of approval" of the approved form forms. It contains the last information on approval, is updated on each process step and is protected from making changes that allows the head to see all course of approval in one report.
2. For pronouncement of the resolution on entering in mobile application the route "Pronouncement of the resolution at a statement" is used. With its help the head can not only approve the prepared draft resolution and send back it for revision but also independently make changes to order and approve it. When sending the resolution for completion the user of mobile application can create the graphic resolution, using the stylus. At change of contractors in an order card for convenience the predetermined list of the most often used workers which remains in mobile application is created.
3. After transition to electronic document management heads had need to make the changes, notes in any documents, including in mobile application. When opening the document of a system the editing mode automatically joins, and changes are online transferred to the basis for data in the form of the new document revision.
4. Process of issue of initiative instructions of mobile application is automated. Two options are provided:
- The head fills an order card, the approved order comes to contractors online.
- The head makes out graphic order which comes to the assistant in the form of a task for registrations of order.
5. Signing of documents in mobile application is performed using Krypto-PRO of CSP 4.0. Thus, signing of documents is implemented by the strengthened qualified electronic signature.
Results of project implementation
In 2016 mobile application is implemented at the governor of the region and his deputies and also a part of heads of structural divisions and bodies of the executive government. Connection goes in a planned order. Many heads appeal to connect them off-schedule.
Mobile application is in great demand at users. For example, for December, 2016 from 1931 tasks of the governor of the region 1438 it is performed from mobile application that makes 74%.
Responses about work in mobile application only positive. So, the governor of the region noted DIRECTUM company the letter of acknowledgement "… for effective cooperation during creation of mobile application of "Directum Solo" …".
Terms of signing of documents were reduced. If earlier the head was in a business trip and had no opportunity to sign documents within several days, then the head signs documents from any place in the world with implementation of mobile application.
Implementation of EDMS based on Directum
On April 13, 2016 Consulting group "The center of information technologies", Financial ex- together with Budget Institution of the Vologda region, was announced end of system implementation of Directum in the Government of the Vologda region.
Project Tasks
At the time of start of the project separate processes were automated. Former EDMS integrated several bodies of the executive government (BEG) of area, the total quantity of users of a system did not exceed 150 people.
The government needed to ensure functioning of all public servants in a single system, to implement support of all documentary processes of departmental and interdepartmental document flow of OIGV of the Vologda region.
Assigned tasks demanded system implementation on a modern, powerful technology platform. As like that it is selected EDMS Directum. The project supposed:
- organize a common information space of the Government at the level of the subject of the Russian Federation;
- receive a full-function electronic document management system with unlimited scaling options and completions of functionality under needs of users.
Project Progress
The project began in September, 2013. The implementation team should develop model of an information system in short terms and to implement the implemented business processes in all OIGV of the Vologda region.
Upon completion of the first stage of implementation in December, 2013 the model of an electronic document management system is created, training of 685 users is provided, data from former EDMS are imported, and OIGV of area are connected to a system all.
Since the end of 2013 in the automated electronic document management system (EDMS) operate on the Directum platform:
- registration of the entering and outgoing correspondence;
- preparation, approval of outgoing and internal documents;
- issue and control of instructions by officials of OIGV of area;
- organization and holding meetings;
- contracted work;
- approval, registration, mailing and execution of regulatory legal acts;
- work with citizens' appeals and organizations.
Integration of EDMS at the Directum platform with the federal system of interdepartmental electronic document management (MEDO) is executed, the solution for automatic sending and registration of office correspondence in all is developed and set up by OIGV of the Vologda region, reports of performing discipline are developed.
At the second stage of implementation in January, 2014, based on Budget Institution of the Vologda region "Center of information technologies" the EDMS technical support service is created. In addition to user support the service administers and develops EDMS and infrastructure.
During this period the solution "System of Efficiency Evaluation of Work of Public Servants" began to work. In its structure different performance indicators of work of staff of department: from an adherence to deadlines and workmanship to a personal deposit and discipline. On the basis of the data obtained by indicators reports both on the specific worker, and on division form.
In October, 2014 the implementation team developed model of connection to EDMS of external correspondents. Their number includes local government authorities and the OIGV subordinated organizations of area. The developed mechanism allows in a short space of time and without deep completion to connect any external organization to ASED.
Project Results
- 26 municipal districts and 94 rural settlements of area are connected to work in EDMS;
- integration of EDMS with the third-party systems of 2 city districts of area is made;
- training more than 2 thousand users is provided;
- exchange of office correspondence between a system and external correspondents is implemented;
- issue of instructions to officials of external correspondents is automated;
- the mechanism of automatic registration of letters from external correspondents in EDMS with sending for consideration to the official of OIGV of area is developed;
- the web client of Directum regarding access restriction on external correspondents to information which is not within the competence of local government authorities and subordinated organizations is finished.
For April 11, 2016 the number of the users connected to EDMS exceeded 2.5 thousand. In a system all deputy governors, 32 OIGV Vologda region, 10 structural divisions of the government, 26 local government authorities, 94 rural settlements work.