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The international airport in São Paulo implemented Cisco technologies in the telecommunication infrastructure

Customers: Airport of São Paulo of Guarulkhos (Sao Paulo Guarulhos International Airport)


Contractors: Cisco Systems
Product: Cisco Catalyst Series

Project date: 2015/02


February 9, 2015. The international airport in São Paulo announced completion of implementation in the telecommunication infrastructure Cisco technologies. In the main transport hubs of Latin America the new terminal (at number 3) equipped with both wire, and wireless networks of Wi-fi was open.

Goals and Objectives

The upgrade purpose — to correspond to a passenger traffic for the next 20 years, vozrosshemublagodarya to a world proshlogodnemuchempionat on soccer and forthcoming summer Olimpiyskimigram — 2016. Cisco technologies allowed to automate the systems of networks of air traffic and to create additional opportunities for profit earning. In the territory of the airport the Cisco switches Catalyst are installed and more than 500 access points of Wi-fi which are completely covering passenger and office zones are unrolled. As a result performance and stability of network were increased at least by 10 times, allowing services of armoring of tickets to reveal and redistribute quicker empty or vacant places and to reduce operating expenses.

Choosing a Solution

Cisco proposed to the management of the airport the complete solution of the imminent problems, having at the same time submitted the forecast of planovykhinvestition. In addition to financial aspect, the choice on Cisco technology pals accounting of such opportunities of technologies of this company, as multi-address and broadcast transmission, VPLS (a virtual private local network) and VSS (a virtualizatsionny switching system). Thanks to increase in nonscalable data transmission the solution Cisco increased bandwidth up to 1.4 Tbyte / with, providing to clients the reliable and safety speed of 1 Gbps in two or more points of the airport. In practice it means that infrastructure of Cisco is capable to provide with guarantee up to 40 GB of traffic from 1800 network users, ispolzuyushchikhokolo 14 thousand access points, and the system of security video surveillance including more than 1 thousand cameras mounted on all airport. Implementation of all this system zanyalookolo eight months. Deployment of reference network was complete in September, 2013, and terminal 3 was open in May of the 2014th.


Upon termination of a FM — 2014 new opportunities, in particular, – Wi-Fi were involved. The wireless architecture not only opened new opportunities in respect of connection to network, but also provided "intellectual" advantages thanks to the Cisco CMX application (Connected Mobile Experiences). The solution Cisco CMX makes correlation analysis of users of Wi-fi and defines their location in real time. Besides, it provides aggregated data about that, arrived the passenger to the airport for the first time or the yavlyaetsyaregulyarny user from what device it is connected and in what places of the airport the maximum or minimum passenger traffic. This information is allowed to provide to passengers target information and advertizing in compliance of these the user profiles that means an additional income for the trading companies in the territory of the airport and бóльшую profitability of Wi-fi.

The potential additional income of the airport in São Paulo from implementation of new IT infrastructure is not limited odnimlit Wi-Fi. The wireless network can also be unrolled on the parking, in customs and cargo terminals. Automation of the systems of the intercomputer interaction and export importnykhoperatsiydayut also to vozmozhnostvnedrit in the aeroportuvseobjemlyushchy Internet.

Development Plans

In further plans of the management of the airport — expansion of network on terminals 1 and 2. Besides, long-term development of infrastructure and work on uniformity of architecture of all system are planned. At development and deployment of the mentioned solutions the network topology of the airport therefore its opportunities will allow to make setup and to satisfy the growing requests vblizhayshy 20 years was considered.

According to Luish Eduarduritsman (Luiz Eduardo Ritzmann, IT direktoraeroportasan - Paulo), "we took one more step to turn the airport of São Paulo vodin from 20 major airports on the planet".

Representatives of the company integrator reported TAdviser.