Customers: Alphabet of Taste (City supermarket)
Contractors: Corus Consulting Product: Oracle Business IntelligenceProject date:
The decision on implementation of Oracle Business Intelligence was made owing to need of operational obtaining a large number of various analytical reports.
CORUS Consulting acted in the project as the general contractor. At the first development stage of a system the data warehouse processing the operational information arriving from the accounting system for the further analysis and creation of reports was created. For this purpose information on merchandising, retail sales of supermarkets and planned targets of activity of shops was transferred to storage, a goods remaining balance, information on which made 4.5 billion records, are calculated. At the second stage reports and dashboards were developed for different groups of specialists: marketing department, purchasing department managers and heads. The project started in November, 2007 and was completed by February, 2008.
That the product Oracle Business Intelligence was developed specially with orientation to business users, and all user interfaces do not require knowledge in the field of programming, SQL or other technical skills, the staff of Alphabet of Taste network had an opportunity even before delivery of a system in trial operation to browse and to independently create reports.
Movement of large volume of the data which are stored in the initial accounting system (~ 0.5 Tb) became feature of the project that is connected with specifics of activity of the company working in a segment of bonus retail.
Certificate of the company: Alphabet of Taste is the Russia's first supermarket chain specializing in trade in high-quality products of a power supply, joint products of daily demand and elite alcohol. The company founded in 1997 integrates 24 supermarkets in Moscow and the Moscow region today. Revenue of Alphabet of Taste network for 2007 made over 270 million US dollars. Alphabet of Taste occupies more than 40% in a cumulative goods turnover of a premium segment.