Customers: Altai State Medical University (ASMU) Barnaul; Science and education Contractors: Galex, STC (Galex) Product: Software Asset Management (SAM)Project date: 2015/05 - 2015/10
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On June 1, 2015 it became known of the project of creation of a management system for program assets at the Altai state medical university. As the partner the Galex Scientific and Technological Center company is selected from the project [1].
Project Tasks
In the work employees and students of AGMU use about 1 thousand computers on which the broad spectrum of the software is set.
The IT department of higher education institution performs works on control of a set of parameters of the used software: from assessment of expediency of use of this or that software product before ensuring compliance with license agreements with all software suppliers. For information security support of the university, decrease in financial expenses on IT infrastructure of higher education institution, minimization of technical, legal and reputational risks, in AGMU made the decision on implementation of uniform approaches and centralized operation by all IT assets of educational institution.
Altai state medical university, 2013
"One of the main objectives which we set for ourselves: estimate a current status of IT infrastructure of the university in terms of information security and if necessary to take measures for elimination of possible threats. In addition, we wait from implementation of this project for a number of advantages, including prevention of excess licensing, significant savings of expenses on software in the future, minimization of legal risks. All this finally will allow us to be sure of effective use of the software products which are available for us" — Maxim Kolomeets, the head of department of automation of the university noted.
Project Progress
The project is expected five months. For June 1, 2015 experts of "Galex scientific and technological center" together with IT specialists of AGMU carry out inventory of the PC park and an installed software. Data on program assets gather manually and using the Kaspersky's Antivirus and Nmap programs.
Information analysis about the available program assets regarding legitimacy and efficiency of their use will become the next stage.
The project on the near-term outlook will come to the end with development of the individual development plan for a management system for licenses and security policies. Project implementation will allow higher education institution to organize a management system for IT assets at qualitatively new level which will conform to high requirements of medical school.
"Our company has rather wide experience in implementation of SAM projects, part of them is executed in the field of education. Already are engaged in creation of an effective management system for program assets at the Altai state university, at the Biysk Institute of Technology, in the Altai state pedagogical academy. Today such task for itself was set also by the Altai state medical university — Evgeny Krivosheyev, the head of department of strategic development of "Galex scientific and technological center" told. — There is a wish to note that it is one of the few cases when the initiative about implementation of the SAM project was taken by the customer. The team of IT specialists of the university takes active part in its implementation".