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The Altai edge Legislative Assembly was automated by EDMS "DELO" KS-Consulting company

Customers: Altai edge Legislative Assembly

Barnaul; Government and social institutions

Product: Case (EOS Group)
Second product: Delo-Web

Project date: 2013/04  - 2014/12
Number of licenses: 70


2002: Start of Project

In the Altai edge Legislative Assembly an electronic document management system "CASE" (the developer – the Moscow company "Electronic Office Systems") is used since 2002. Then the first jobs of EDMS which were set in office are purchased.

During this period a system was used for automation of registration procedures of documents and control of their execution. Delivery of the software, implementation, technical support of the project at all stages of its development were performed by Corporate Systems — Consulting company, the regional representative of EOS Group in Western and Eastern Siberia.


The first jobs of the CASE system for ensuring needs of AKZS were brought into operation in January, 2003 a framework of the project of workflow automation in Administration of Altai Krai and other authorities of the region. In 2006-2007 by EDMS "DELO" it was implemented in the device AKZS as an independent system (Regional administration, separate of EDMS). Purchase of licenses EDMS "DELO" and also the options "Line Scanning" was made. In the years ahead the CASE system step by step was implemented in all structural divisions of the device AKZS and also in standing committees, in deputy associations fractions, into receiving chairmen of committees and the chief of staff.

2007: Project Development

The second stage of the project started in 2007: purchase of additional licenses EDMS "DELO" and also the options "Line Scanning" and the Monitoring of Documents applications is made. In the years ahead the CASE system was gradually implemented in all structural divisions of the device AKZS and also in standing committees, in deputy associations fractions, in receiving chairmen of committees and the chief of staff. Besides, in department of questions of public service and the personnel one more application solution of Electronic Office Systems company - the PERSONNEL system was implemented.


In 2013 the Altai edge Legislative Assembly moved to the new building. When planning information infrastructure the decision on additional purchase of licenses EDMS "DELO" and also subsystems of "Delo-Web" was made. Besides, the workflow system received new, more productive server.

2014: Project Continuation

Since December, 2014 in AKZS implementation of the "Automation System of Legislative Activity" (ASLA) developed by Softinformbyuro Group (Khabarovsk) based on EDMS "DELO" began. This system allows to create the agenda of sessions of Legislative Assembly and the passport of bills.

On February 13, 2014 the KS-Consulting company announced relocation of the Altai edge legislative assembly to the new building, in 2013.

The parliamentary center of Altai Krai is open in April, 2013. When planning information infrastructure of the new building specialists revealed need of a software update, including EDMS "CASE", and made the decision on purchase of additional licenses of "thick client" of a system, subsystem "DELO-Web". The workflow system received new, more productive server, and in February, 2014 updating of the version is carried out EDMS.

In Altai edge legislative assembly 61 places EDMS "CASE", the options "Line Scanning" and "Barcode Printing", the Monitoring of Documents application are used. In EDMS "CASE" the entering and outgoing documents, resolutions adopted at sessions, all levels of resolutions to documents (from heads of divisions to final contractors), the decisions of committees and commissions, drafts of federal laws arriving for responses are registered.

2014: Project Completion

On December 8, 2014 completed the Altai edge Legislative Assembly [1] EDMS "DELO" KS-Consulting company.

Implementing solution for automation of law-making activity became the next stage of development of a uniform IT system of the Altai edge Legislative Assembly. Information technologies became a part of business processes for a long time, allowing to gain the maximum effect of activity of the device and deputy corps of edge parliament. So, more than 10 years in AKZS EDMS "DELO" is used. This system covers all structural divisions of the device AKZS, standing committees, deputy associations, the receiving managements and chairmen of committees now. "CASE" allowed to adjust the due level of control of execution, to reduce time of passing of documents in the device, to create the general base of legal acts, correspondences, management instructions. All works on implementation of EDMS were conducted by KS-Consulting company, the partner of EOS Group in this region.

Automation of the activity, main for Legislative Assembly, – development process, discussion and adoption of laws of Altai Krai and resolutions AKZS – became the main maintenance of the next stage of formation of a uniform IT system of edge parliament. According to the results of the held auction for the solution of assigned tasks "Automation System of Legislative Activity" (ASLA) was selected. The solution which basic module is EDMS "DELO" allows users of a message legislative process in uniform base with the workflow system. It will allow to organize collective work with drafts of legal acts of all participants of process – workers of the device and deputy corps.

The module "Work with Meetings" which is a component of SAZD allows to prepare the draft of the agenda of meetings of Legislative Assembly and committees: include in it cases in point (including names of drafts of laws and resolutions) and also to define a consideration order, time for reports, duration of breaks, etc. Also the module gives the chance to fix results of consideration and the made decisions. A system creates the passport of the bill (the history of its passing with access to the connected documents and questions). The subsystem Monitoring provides formation in the automatic mode of the reporting under the entered information – as standard, inherent to any document flow, and specific, characteristic of legislative activity (statistics on legal entities of the legislative initiative, special-purpose committees, subject; information on participation of deputies in meetings, etc.).

The report at the anniversary conference of EOS Group which took place in October of the current year "Autumn document flow – 2014" was devoted to the product "Automation System of Legislative Activity" (ASLA). The CEO of Dilemma company Yury Kosobrinov in detail told participants of a forum about functionality of the solution. According to him, as a result of use of SAZD more than expenses on paper are cut down for 30%, process of formation of a document package in electronic form and their mailing in departments becomes simpler, remote access to drafts of laws and documents in electronic form is provided. According to the speaker, at the time of holding a forum by users of SAZD were the Legislative Duma of Khabarovsk Krai (since August, 2005), Legislative assembly of Primorsky Krai (since February, 2009), the Duma of the city of Vladivostok (since January, 2011), the State meeting (Il Tumen) the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic (since October, 2012), the Legislative Duma of the Tomsk region (since August, 2013), Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region (since October, 2014).


In the Altai edge Legislative Assembly in EDMS "DELO" more than 70 employees work. Implementation of EDMS allowed to simplify and automate such workflows as registration and accounting of documents, approval and vising, control of performing discipline.

In a system the entering and outgoing documents, resolutions adopted at sessions, all levels of resolutions to documents (from heads of divisions to final contractors), the decisions of committees and commissions, drafts of federal laws arriving for responses are registered.

Also internal documents – orders of the Chairman of AKZS, order of the chief of staff, memos, requests, answers to instructions, etc. are entered to "CASE". Means of a system organize control of performing discipline and preparation of analytical reports on document flow.

Besides, organizational and administrative document flow is automated: in a system orders on primary activity and on staff are registered. All entering and outgoing documents and also adopted at sessions of the resolution are transferred by line scanning to an electronic format. The scanned documents intended for acquaintance are sent in divisions through EDMS.
