MTS provided with communication the St. Petersburg platform of the World Ice Hockey Championship
Customers: Anniversary Sports complex of SPb St. Petersburg; Show business, leisure, sport Contractors: Mobile TeleSystems (MTS) Product: Services of telephony and communicationProject date: 2016/02 - 2016/04
In May, 2016 PJSC MTS announced start of the modern indoor-communication system on the St. Petersburg platform of holding games of the World Cup in hockey-2016 in the reconstructed Yubileyny Sports Palace. Within the project mobile networks 2G/3G/4G of MTS are ready to cope with the most high load in all territory of a complex, including stadium and fan zones and also training and warm-up skating rinks.
MTS became the first telecom operator which constructed own internal antenna system of the standards GSM, UMTS, LTE in Anniversary within reconstruction of a complex to the international competitions. More than 40 antennas, eight base stations, two kilometers of radio of a cable and three and a half kilometers of the optical cable were required for creation of the unique communication system providing effective transfer of traffic between base stations that will allow to lower overloads at the large volume of traffic.
"Similar actions of the international level traditionally require special attention to communication quality in the city in general and on subjects to holding games in particular as load of network increases several times in comparison with normal day. Therefore we attended to preparation of the communication system for the World Ice Hockey Championship in the updated sport center Anniversary in St. Petersburg in advance, – the technical director of MTS "Northwest" Dmitry Smirnov told. – Our subscribers and also subscribers of other operators who will use roaming of MTS will be able comfortably to "surf" in network at a speed up to 150 Mbps, to post a photo and video during the matches even at complete filling of stands of Anniversary".