Customers: Arzamas plant of utility mechanical engineering Arzamas; Mechanical engineering and instrument making Contractors: Standard 1 c Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.0Project date: 2004/05
The task of the organization of an automated system of accounting according to modern requirements was set for the staff of Konstanta company. The task was complicated by the fact that prior to the beginning of the project in accounting of the plant there was an attempt of implementation of the Financial accounting 7.7 configuration. Only specific sites of accounting were automated. Also there was a program implemented in the environment of FOXPRO 2.6 DBMS in which there was a circuit of material accounting and product cost. Finally accounting was kept according to the journal and order scheme and the reporting was prepared manually. A lot of time was monthly taken away by a problem of selection of documents of arrival of the export VAT and report generation.
Project implementation terms:
- Beginning of works -3/10/2004
- Input in commercial operation -7/1/2004
Staff of Konstanta company successfully coped with this difficult task. The department of accounting was reconstructed, employees were trained according to new job responsibilities. For the aid to accountants filling of reference books of large volume and transfer of opening balances was made. Automation of tasks of the export VAT reduced time and the number of the employees occupied under this task. At present all accountants cope with the duties. The mechanism of formation of planned cost of products and storage of the target prices of materials which the staff of economical department for the solution of the tasks uses is implemented.
The implemented system successfully works and further development of new solutions together with Konstanta company is planned.