Customers: Astek-Optik Contractors: Cloud Computing (Virtual infrastructures) Product: Cloud Computing Platform of Cloud BusinessProject date: 2018/09 - 2019/02
On February 12, 2019 the Cloud Computing company reported that it optimized costs for technical support of Astek-optik company. The network the optician delivered a task consolidation of all shops in a single network with a possibility of data transmission: video and audio-control, control of actions of users and the centralized remote control. Mobile communication channels are used for providing access in the Internet. Three solutions of a task were considered: implementation of infrastructure in DPC, at the central office of the company and placement of IT infrastructure of the company in virtual environment of Oblakoteka.
According to the company, the guaranteed redundant communication channels, backup, lack of expenses on local IT infrastructure and the licensed software, lower cost of ownership became decisive factors for the choice of Oblakoteka.
Consolidation on uniform IT Wednesday of geographically distributed branches initially caused rather high labor input from the contractor and the partner of Oblakoteki, IP Zhitkov Vitaly Petrovich, for example, need of visit of each object of the customer for initial setup of the equipment. The mobile communication channels used by the customer for access to a global network the Internet caused difficulties at setup of tunnel connections because of the restrictions used by provider ― provider blocked GRE protocols. However centralization of data and systems in a cloud gives for February, 2019 complete remote control all IT infrastructure without the need for departure on places.
The project is interesting, and its cost is even lower than the crisis price. We began to use a complex of the useful programs allowing to control business and a status of the IT environment. For the first month of work economy of working time of personnel became noticeable – the arising difficulties began to be solved more quickly. Employees quickly adapted ― for them provided training and supplied with the necessary instruction. Alexey Stepanov, CEO of "Astek-optik" |
"Cloud Computing" sees the strategic task in creation of a partner ecosystem where knowledge and abilities of partners, professionals of the IT market, are combined with platform services "Oblakoteki" for the solution practically of any IT tasks of clients. It is the project of cloud centralization IT infrastructure, rather classical on architecture, for network (branches, shops, salons and td), but in each such project there are many features therefore knowledge and experience of the partner, cloud integrator, are key for success of such projects. |
As a result of tripartite cooperation the network of Astek-optik salons received control of all shopping facilities, monitoring of information infrastructure and economy of operating expenses.