Customers: Baikal mining company
Contractors: NVision Group Project date: 2013/08
Specialists of NVision Group upgraded the automated process control system (APCS) of the trial complex "Baikal Mining Company". It allowed to improve the level of controllability and to increase production efficiency.
Upgrade of a system minimized human labor costs, expanded a range of controlled parameters, increased customizability, improved reliability and stability of work of all components of the PCS. Instruments of operational identification and prevention of critical and emergency situations were implemented. The system created by NVision Group provides control and regulation more than 800 technology indicators and also diagnostics of field sensors and controllers. The data provided by the built-in system of the reporting allow to monitor all changes in technology processes and, in case of need, quickly to make the weighed decision.
"the Udokansky field in which development BGK is engaged is the largest in Russia and the third in the world on reserves of copper ore. The successful completion of the project will help the company to become the leader of the country in production of copper. Our specialists got unique experience which is useful at implementation of the developed and approved technical solutions at the similar hydrometallurgical enterprises", – the technical director of a division of work with industrial enterprises "Nvision Group" Alexander Potarin says.
The project was implemented "turnkey", from development of the design estimates before delivery of a system in commercial operation, in five months.
Technical details of the project
The BGK trial complex consists of two workshops where it is required to control over 800 parameters. In workshop of enrichment indicators of crushers, pipelines, mills, sumpfs, thickeners, floatation machines and press-filters are traced: temperature, expense, pressure, level, pH-potential, etc. In workshop of hydrometallurgy monitoring of sections of acid lixiviation of a pulp, extraction, a reekstraktion, electrolysis of copper, preparation of reagents, neutralizations of promstok, water - and heat supplies is conducted.
The PCS is created based on a hardware-software complex of AVV Industrial IT 800xA. At the bottom (field) level of a system different ancillary equipment is used: AVV pH meters, radio isotope Ekofizpribor densitometers, radar VEGA level meters, etc.
The perimeter of management of a system covers over one hundred electric drives and also more than 50 circuits of automatic control: an ore consumption on pipelines, water supply in mills, density of a pulp, dosing of reagents in flotation machines, etc.