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Baltika will introduce a demand forecasting and sales planning system

Customers: Baltika Brewery Company

St. Petersburg; Food industry

Product: Uniquesoft Planning Platform (Planiqum)

Project date: 2024/07

2024: Implementation of demand forecasting and sales planning system

ENTERCHAIN has become a participant in the project to introduce a demand forecasting and sales planning system at Baltika Brewery Company LLC. The project is scheduled to begin in July 2024. Enterchain announced this on June 10, 2024.

At the end of 2023, Baltika conducted a market analysis to find solutions that can meet the company's needs for the functionality of statistical demand forecasting and integrated sales planning. Such an initiative arose in connection with the implementation of the next stage in the development of planning systems at Baltika. Experts conducted a thorough analysis of the market, as a result of which 8 applicants were selected and conducted their primary scoring. The results made it possible to form a short list of finalists who were offered to conduct a pilot project for the final choice of the most suitable solution.

ENTERCHAIN participated in the pilot project by introducing Planiqum, a flexible platform for integrated sales and supply chain planning with a good track of projects in mass-market companies (FMCG, DIY, etc.).

As part of the pilot project, the implementing participants formed a forecast in their systems for impersonal historical data provided by Baltika, set up jobs for the company's specialists, conducted training and provided support for test operation of the system as part of the collective demand planning process, including load testing of the system.

Based on the results of the work done, the Baltika experts ranked the applicants according to the multi-criteria assessment system and chose the winner - the Planiqum platform and ENTERCHAIN as the implementation contractor.

I would like to express my gratitude to my colleagues from Baltika for the opportunity to participate in this pilot. The selection of decisions was very thorough and objective. I am glad that our team and our proposed solution have proved to be the most suitable for the tasks of Baltika Brewery, are now ready with full responsibility to ensure the implementation of the targeted demand planning process, and in the future also to effectively support the remaining areas of integrated planning. " Anton Shmatalyuk, Executive Director of ENTERCHAIN, commented on the results of the pilot project. I would also like to note the professional level and partner style of interaction on the part of the Baltic team, as well as thank for this result both my colleagues from Enterchein and specialists from UNIK SOFT, the developer of the Planiqum platform.

We have been choosing the right solution for us for a long time. We have a large array of data - 110 million forecast series, a large planning horizon and high requirements for the quality of forecasts. Most solutions in the market are still difficult to customize for the client, require significant refinement. The pilot conducted proved the ability of Planiqum to quickly adapt to the need and produce a very decent result in accuracy, despite the fact that the tuning time of the forecast models was given very short. We are very much looking forward to implementation not only for working with forecasts, but also for concise visualization of data within the software itself. But apart from the tool, colleagues at ENTERCHAIN have shown their engagement, professionalism and flexibility to all requests that arose during the pilot phase. I am sure that the choice was made correctly, - said Irina Komissarova, head of the demand planning department of Baltika Brewery Company LLC.