Customers: Belarusian partnership of visually impaired persons (BELTIZ) Minsk; Public and non-profit structures Contractors: Electronic Case Product: Case (EOS Group)Project date: 2011/04 - 2012/01
In "The Belarusian partnership of visually impaired persons" system implementation of electronic document management based on the CASE system is complete.
In public association "Belarusian partnership of visually impaired persons" (OO "BELTIZ") (Republic of Belarus) the electronic document management system of Electronic DELO (development of the Belarusian company "Electronic DELO") based on the solution "CASE" of Electronic Office Systems (EOS) company is started in work.
The Electronic DELO company provided development and deployment of EDMS for OO "BELTIZ" on favorable terms.
After the first weeks of operation of advantage of use of electronic document management became so explicit that the management of the organization made the decision to expand a system and to implement EDMS "Electronic DELO" in all divisions of OO "BELTIZ". In view of strong territorial separation and lack of stable connection to network and also reduction of load of servers of central office, the decision to conduct examination (including deleted) and to unroll EDMS in each division separately was made, having organized communication between databases on e-mail.
Difficulties were caused that with the purpose of reduction in cost of the project, by agreement with the management of the OO "BELTIZ" head company, implementation was made without departure to customers. Specialists of Electronic DELO company applied unique technology of inspection and setup of a system for the principle of remote questioning of objects. For reflection of specifics of document flow of each enterprise and unification of exchange of documents special questionnaires with a set of documents were developed and received from customers. On the basis of the data obtained in questionnaires, technologists of the Electronic DELO system made setup of a system under conditions of document flow of each separate enterprise, having included in the package user instructions and the system administrator. After setup testing of all databases on the equipment of Elektronnoye DELO LLC is held.
The next stage of system implementation was user training and system administrators. As the number of users was rather big, training was provided by groups based on the educational computer class provided to OO "BELTIZ". First of all, system administrators were trained. Then for two days training of the main users of a system was provided. It should be noted that right after training, employees began to master a system in the workplaces. The department of technical support assisted users on "hot line".
Since the beginning of year the most part of consolidation had an opportunity to pass to conducting electronic document management. This achievement became possible thanks to huge joint work of the contractor and customer and long search of the best solutions.
In a project deliverable such complex structure as OO "BELTIZ", got all advantages of conducting electronic document management in all the divisions. Unification of accounting and control of execution of documents and also integration into e-mail will allow OO "BELTIZ" to save funds for the circulation of paper documents and also will increase quality of the made management decisions.