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Баннер в шапке 2

CGF executed rendering of graphics of the movie on two supercomputers of MSU

Customers: CGF

Moscow; Media, TV and broadcasting

Product: Supercomputer Lomonosov
Third product: T-Platforms V-Class

Project date: 2014/10  - 2016/12

On April 11, 2017 the company CGF announced calculations of graphics images for the movie "Time of the First" using supercomputers Lomonosov and Lomonosov-2 Moscow State University (MSU).

Project Results

It is the first case when Lomonosov was used for creation of computer graphics for the movie.

Vladimir Voyevodin, the deputy director of research computer center of MSU on scientific work

Frame from the movie, (2017)

In a work progress one more development of the company of T-Platforms – a render-farm on the basis of the V-Class server platform is used. According to the statement of the customer, its operation allowed to execute rendering of the movie "in a short time". In total CGF worked on visual effects for a picture about 30 months, since creation of sketches and carrying out tests and finishing with the ready-made product suitable for replication. By means of computer graphics 1235 frames for the movie are made, they demonstrinutsya on the screen 92 minutes[1].

"Time of the first" is already the fourth large project which the company does on the V-Slass server. The first three projects – the pictures "He Is a Dragon", "Crew" and "Fir-trees-5". Besides, on a farm separate photos for movies "Ben Gur" and "Viking" were made. The platform is applied where it would be inefficient to use a remote render. The V-Slass server allows us to create photorealistic composition practically in an interactive mode without failures.

Alexander Gorokhov, general producer of studio of CGF

The total amount of the personnel of virtual reality which underwent rendering for a roller approached 10 TB. It is nearly a volume of all render for the movie. The roller is executed on the Lomonosov and Lomonosov-2 supercomputers.

Because of volumes the roller would be difficult to be counted on something other, except as on the supercomputer.

Elizabeth Yakovenko, marketing director of CGF
