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The Avtomatika concern transferred to the Tyumen region computers based on Elbrus processors

Customers: Center of information technologies of the Tyumen region

Product: Elbrus

Project date: 2019/05  - 2019/10

2019: Start of use of computers based on Elbrus processors

On November 13, 2019 Automatic equipment concern the industrial director of the Radio-electronic complex of State corporation Rostec Sergey Sakhnenko and the governor Tyumen region Aleksandr Moor solemnly reported announced start of trial operation computers based on processors "Elbrus" century Center of information technologies of the region.

ADP equipment on the basis of microprocessors Elbrus is created by PJSC INEUM named after I. Brook of Avtomatika Concern in cooperation with JSC MCST. It has performance at the level of the modern desktop systems and is intended for the organization of a standard workplace of the employee.

The equipment can be implemented in several executions: the thin client providing remote access to a desktop of the employee, the personal computer (desktop, a monoblock) and also the multi-user workstation.

Transfer of computers was provided by NCI LLC entering into Avtomatika Concern of State Corporation Rostec.

The Avtomatika concern solves problems of creation and development of the Russian computer technologies and their effective application, priority for the country. The equipment based on Elbrus microprocessors allows to work with large volumes of information and at the same time to be sure of the high level of its protection. Products of Concern are demanded by users at the expense of the high level of performance, cybersecurity and to ergonomic characteristics,
comments the CEO of Avtomatika Concern Vladimir Kabanov