Customers: Cheboksary electrohardware plant (ChEAZ) Cheboksary; Electrical equipment and microelectronics Contractors: ActiveCloud by Softline (Aktivkhost of RU) Product: CloudServer by ActiveCloud (Softline)Project date: 2016/04 - 2016/06
On July 15, 2016 the ActiveCloud company announced migration of a part of IT infrastructure of the Cheboksary electrohardware plant in a cloud.
Project Progress
During the project specialists of ActiveCloud performed a complex of works on setup of cloud infrastructure of the enterprise – unrolled domain and file services, application servers and databases, configured a terminal farm with the publication of applications and authorization using tokens, transferred mail to SaaS Exchange and integrated it with jobs. For the period of migration between the local platform and "cloud" the hybrid environment which allowed employees of the customer to continue work while engineers of the contractor step by step moved information services and data to the new platform was configured.
Transition to a cloud was profitable both in terms of economy, and in terms of further technology development. Matter not only that we could reduce investments into hardware-software assets and solved a problem with lack of the premises for server in the new building. Thanks to transition to cloud model of use of IT we almost without serious consequences and with the minimum costs switched to modern versions of products of Microsoft, updated and simplified a considerable part of the application services used in the company and transferred on outsourcing to service provider the most part of functions on maintenance of our IT infrastructure. |
Our project in TsUP of ChEAZ – useful experience of transition of large enterprise to use of cloud infrastructure on the IT as Service model. Thanks to such approach the customer not only could move to new office without prejudice to business, but also received the updated flexible IT infrastructure together with a range of services on its support, having optimized the capital costs in the present and having reduced operating costs in the future. Experience of TsUP of ChEAZ can be interesting also to many other Russian enterprises. |