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Chelyabinsk of experimental design bureau optimized the patient's route using NeuroniQ e-queue system

Customers: Chelyabinsk regional clinical hospital

Product: NeuroniQ Management system for queue

Project date: 2017/11  - 2019/04
Number of licenses: 11

2019: Application of the coupon of an electronic queue as the route sheet of the patient

On May 15, 2019 the company "Technologies of the Future" reported that Chelyabinsk regional clinical hospital it achieved increase in the quality level medical of provision of services using modern technologies of automation of service and electronic document management, in particular application e-queue systems NEURONIQ as optimization appliances of a route of the patient and consequently, reductions of waiting time of acceptance in the most medical institution and the periods between visits.

Integration of the NEURONIQ system with the medical information system used in Chelyabinsk by experimental design bureau allows to apply the format of electronic registry providing record of the patient to the specialist using the information terminal equipped with the scanner of the policy of compulsory health insurance. The patient with the coupon of an electronic queue printed on such terminal is invited to acceptance to the specialist for primary survey at once. If necessary the doctor can appoint to the patient additional researches on which call will be performed by number of the coupon which is already available for the patient. Thus, need of the repeated appeal to registry behind the paper direction and for additional record disappears that significantly saves time spent in medical institution.

The application of the coupon of an electronic queue as the route sheet of the patient which became to NEURONIQ, possible thanks to a specialized software, provided reduction of passing of a way "специалист-исследования-заключение-лечение" from 3-4 days, as in normal clinics, till 3 o'clock in clinic of the Chelyabinsk regional clinical hospital. It means that the result of implementation of "lean" technologies in the medical organization completely justifies their name, consider in Technologies of the Future company.

2018: System implementation of an electronic queue of NeuroniQ

On February 6, 2018 the company of Technology of the Future announced implementation in branch of the Chelyabinsk regional clinical hospital in the city of Magnitogorsksistemy of queue management of NeuroniQ.

The e-queue system of NeuroniQ is installed on 11 jobs.

Chelyabinsk regional clinical hospital (2017)

As a result of system implementation in medical institution are set:

  • registration terminals on each floor;
  • 11 operator consoles for a call of visitors
  • 7 LED boards
  • 16 LCD screens for obtaining information on a queue status

In addition, wishing to have information on service quality of visitors, the management of hospital seized a system capability to consider opinion of patients on service quality. Thanks to quality evaluation panels which are attached to each window of registration the administration of hospital will be able to check work of personnel and using a possibility of formation of analytical reports to create the most comfortable conditions in again opened department of hospital.