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City clinical hospital of S.P. Botkin

Customers: City clinical hospital of S.P. Botkin

Product: MeDialog

Project date: 2014/12
Number of licenses: 1100

December 25, 2014. The Post Modern Technology (PMT) company announced implementation of a medical information system in "City Clinical Hospital" (CCH) of S.P. Botkin. The project is implemented by the Moscow Department of Information Technology together with the Moscow Department of Healthcare within the Information City program.

Works on system implementation are broken into two stages. The first stage of the project will cover about a half of all jobs — over 1100 users and, as expected, will be complete in 2015. Software to project deliverables is going to complete the second stage in 2016 the decision on further replication of experience of implementation will be made.

Distinctive feature of the project is a large number of jobs which need to be automated once within one medical institution of a stationary profile. Within the project on automation of GKB it S.P. Botkina plans works on implementation of MIS "MeDialog" in clinical, diagnostic and paraclinical departments. First of all, implementation in reception from which all information on results of inspection, the preliminary diagnosis and data of the patient will come in electronic form to 22 multi-profile departments working on all range of medical profiles is begun. Also settlement on all financing sources will be automated: Compulsory health insurance, VMP, SMP, VHI, paid services.

One of the main tasks of implementation is also obtaining the general analytical reporting under all process of treatment of patients, including the report annual forms on activity of departments developed for specific profiles of doctors (therapy, surgery, gynecology, etc.). Also with introduction to work of MIS "MeDialog" the hospital will have an opportunity to control onto settlement with partners, to provide cost accounting of rendering medical aid on different financing sources. There will be a possibility of conducting the personified accounting of the rendered medical services, control and catering services, use of medicines and other inventory items of medical appointment.

Within the project strategic transition mainly is planned for electronic versions of history of diseases. Their paper copies will be used only for archive storage and will stop being the main document in operational work of doctors. For hospital whose body is dispersed in sizes of the city quarter, it is essentially important point which will affect the speed of decision making and quality of treatment in general.

At implementation of medical information systems the big share of costs is the share of creation of necessary infrastructure. Within the first stage of implementation the main computing powers are provided to remote DPCs of Electronic Moscow company. Further placement of local data processing centers in the territory of hospital on service model is supposed.

The Open Technologies company whose competences together with DIT of Moscow will include the solution of all infrastructure tasks and also questions of data protection acts as the system integrator of the project. Data security provision is one of key and major tasks on this project, especially with at Chet of difficult topology of diversity of jobs and server capacities on different platforms, emphasized in Post Modern Technology.

As the manager of projects of DIT of Moscow supervising the direction of informatization of hospitals, Alexander Mikheyev "noted need of implementation of medical information systems for city hospitals is dictated by the objective reasons, in particular, need of inclusion of hospitals in EMIAS common information space. Hospitals, especially such large treatment-and-prophylactic associations as GKB of S.P. Botkin by it, are active medico-economic agents of the Moscow health care. For full ensuring their activity in integration into EMIAS the medical information system should support work of all necessary processes arising when rendering medical services, and accompanying them additional transactions".
According to the Head of Department of implementation of PMT Dmitry Orlinsky, except direct automation of jobs of doctors, a number of the methodical tasks connected with the description of basic processes of work of hospitals also is a part of a pilot project. Based on implementation there has to be the corresponding series of documentation on the basis of which the methodology of replication of the solution in other hospitals will be developed. Final documents with the description of business processes, regulations of works and technology instructions will become one of the key results received according to the results of the project. Integration of hospitals into EMIAS should provide succession and the continuity of medical care within the unified information system of health care of the city of Moscow.

Representatives of the company integrator reported TAdviser.