Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Clinic No. 218 of the city of Moscow implements the solution of electronic registry

Customers: Clinic 218 Moscow

Moscow; Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care

Contractors: Binek (MTsDI)
Product: Beloboka

Project date: 2012/03  - 2012/04

The Moscow center of business information "BINEK" completed the first stage of implementation of the Medical information system "Beloboka" in city clinic No. 218 of Moscow.


The implemented complex provides basic functions of work of city clinic, including original technology of issue and printing of sick leave notes on forms of the state sample, use of statistical data, joint with insurance companies.

Now there take place works on integration of MIS "Beloboka" with services of the city EMIAS implemented by the Moscow Department of Information Technology.