Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

"Cluster" implemented e-commerce and express delivery

Customers: Cluster (retail chain stores)

Saratov; Trade

Product: Projects of IT outsourcing
Second product: Yandex.Cash

Project date: 2020/05  - 2020/07

2020: Implementation e-commerce and express deliveries

On July 14, 2020 it became known that the Grozd retail network implemented E-commerce ( and express delivery. The Columbus company became the partner in implementation and development of service.

As it was reported, development of a koronavirusny infection and the crisis caused by it became the first important impulse for creation of e-commerce and implementation of own delivery for Cluster.

Implementation of the updated format was only in the far plans of our network. We assumed that neither the quarantine, nor other external factors will be able to affect profitability of shops. Initially people were bought for the future and revenue even grew a little, it became soon clear, in the long term consumer capability will decrease and it is necessary to look for immediately exits from inevitable crisis. Moreover, we wanted that people were in security at purchase of food.

During the quarantine buyers quickly enough adapted to online shopping. Within several months long purchasing habit – purchase of goods and the Internet was created.

Consumer flexibility, the understanding which arose at people that online purchases are capable to save time, steel for Cluster the following reason of implementation and development of other sales channel.

Project objectives became task steel:

  • Meet the growing demand for purchase of online food;
  • Offset loss of revenue from decrease in traffic in shops due to online-sales;
  • Create loyal base of buyers in the updated sales channel on the Internet;
  • It is effective to compete for buyers.

The project was implemented in the shortest possible time, the representative of methodology of Agile – Scrum became a framework for project management.

Stages of the project included:

  • The works which are carried out for start of the E-commerce sales channel:
    • Study of business processes and architecture of E-commerce
    • Process Assortment management (with unloading of the range, the prices, a remaining balance from the ERP system in online store)
    • End-to-end process Order (the choice in a basket, order placement, reservation of goods)
    • Process Payment
    • Process Complete set
    • Processes Express delivery and Shipment at own expense
    • Loading of orders and payments in the ERP system with formation of accounting entries
    • System of notifications of buyers and employees
    • Study of roles and access rights of employees
    • Integration with the systems of web analytics

  • Works on development:
    • Development of the digital development strategy for Cluster
    • Loading in online store of information on actions from the ERP system
    • Completion of desktop and mobile versions of the website on purpose improvement of a usability and increase in conversion of the website
    • Development of API for a complete set of orders using mobile devices
    • Study and setup of advertizing channels, lead generation and analysis of traffic, efficiency

  • Directions of development:
    • Integration with a loyalty system - release of virtual cards of loyalty, payment by points
    • Mobile application for buyers
    • Mobile application for employees and couriers
    • Expansion of zones of express delivery
    • Integration with services of express delivery.

Integration were started by the Columbus command on RabbitMQ.

Work was performed by sprints. At the first stage we developed model of end-to-end process of activity of online store. Further we discussed it with representatives of management of Cluster, detailed its type, designated infrastructure, defined how it can be unrolled. After that the basic tool kit and attributes for E-commerce was created. In total the range of shop originally included more than 500 SKU including the nomenclature units produced under own Clusters brand - "Taste of life".

Andrey Lezhnev, the manager of projects of Columbus told

The online-payment format as start of E-commerce needed to be carried out to short terms was initially selected, this format seemed to the most optimal. Also, the decision to connect the Yandex.Cash was made.

At the first stage it was decided to carry out pilot start of delivery to several shops. After field system testing became possible to draw certain conclusions and to eliminate the revealed flaws that scaling of the project was painless.

The project was started in a month. Besides, the concept of use of the available systems and resources at cost minimization was defined. Columbus understood all gravity of conditions and proposed the fastest and optimal solution. As a basis it was taken, the functional GrandNode platform which is available for Cluster.

The main drivers of the project became: cost minimization – work with the available infrastructure resources, speed, support, participation, pro-activity.