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Consid Soft (Open Source HH.WMS (OHE.WMS))

Customers: Consid Soft

Moscow; Information technologies

Contractors: ConsID ConsID
Product: ConsID WMS (before Open Source HH.WMS OHE.WMS)
На базе: ConsID Platform (ранее Open HandHeld Engine OHE)

Project date: 2013/03  - 2013/09
Number of licenses: 5

In 2013 the OHE.WMS system implementation project in a warehouse of Consid Soft company is complete. OHE.WMS (5 licenses) manages a warehouse for management of storage and supplies of equipment and supplies to customers under projects of ConsID Technologies company.

Within the project the complete functionality of a warehouse management system considering specifics of deliveries of the Software, the equipment and supplies taking into account tracking of serial numbers, a SCD and the country of origin of the equipment shipped to customers is implemented. In addition to functionality of management of a warehouse as the add-on module the functionality of the Customer Relationship Management System for work of managers for customer relationship management is implemented.