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Credit Europe Bank automated electronic document flow with the FSS of the Russian Federation with the support of Diasoft

Customers: Credit Europe Bank

Moscow; Financial Services, Investments and Auditing

Contractors: Diasoft
Product: Diasoft Digital Q.HR

Project date: 2022/01  - 2022/07

2022: Implementation of "Social Electronic Document Management"

On September 5, 2022, Diasoft announced that, together with Credit Europe Bank, it had completed a project to automate information interaction with the Sosstrakh Unified Integrated Information System (Sosstrakh EIIS) through the Social Electronic Document Management (EDMS) system. The operator of the EDMS is the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation (FSS of the Russian Federation).

During the project, the bank installed the Social Electronic Document Management software product, which is part of the development platform. Digital Q.HR The product made it possible to automate business processes credit organizations within the framework of a proactive method of appointment and payment of benefits for compulsory social benefits. to insurance

The unapproved procedure for assigning social insurance benefits requires the bank, as an insured, to restructure a number of business processes when exchanging documents and information with the FSS of the Russian Federation. The joint project with Diasoft made it possible to successfully automate electronic document flow with the FSS of the Russian Federation, ensure timely sending and receipt of data for registration and payment of benefits, reduce labor costs and avoid human errors,
said Pozdnyakova Yulia Aleksandrovna, Head of HR Directorate, Credit Europe Bank.

The product "Social electronic document management" allows:

  • receive information from the FSS of the Russian Federation on the periods of disability of employees of the insured company and reflect such periods in the personnel register;
  • provide the missing data for the appointment and payment of benefits to the FSS of the Russian Federation;
  • initialize the appointment and termination of benefits;
  • inform the FSS of the Russian Federation about the life situations of employees;
  • Receive and send messages and documents
  • monitor the timing of responses to messages and comply with the regulations for working with the EDMS FSS.

In Credit Europe Bank, we implemented a pilot project to introduce the Social Electronic Document Management product. Thanks to the high competencies of the bank's employees and their well-coordinated interaction with the Diasoft team, the project was completed successfully and on time,
noted Mikhail Lebedev, Director of the Department of Economic Activities and HR of Diasoft.