Customers: Delta Torg Contractors: NPF Circle Product: SCADA KRUK-2000Second product: Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity (KICS) Third product: TimeVisor Single Time Server Project date: 2021/04 - 2021/09
2021: Completion of Oil Quantity and Quality Measurement System Upgrade Phase
KRUK completed the 1st stage of modernization of the Oil Products Quantity and Quality Measurement System (SIKN) of the Penza oil depot Delta-Torg to bring the Information Processing System (OMS) into compliance with regulatory requirements, including regulatory documents of the delivering party - Transneft-Druzhba JSC. This was announced on October 4, 2021 by the company "Circle."
The Penza fuel company Delta-Torg is a large oil depot in the city that records oil products with high accuracy. The main activity of the company is the wholesale and retail sale of petroleum products, as well as the provision of services for their acceptance, sorting, transportation and delivery. The total storage volume of oil products is 14,000 m3.
SIKN of Delta-Torg Company was developed using technical solutions - the System for measuring the quantity and quality of oil of KRUG Company.
Delivery of the reserved automated workplaces of the operator with the updated system software, including rossiyskoySCADA version 4.3 KRUG-2000, and antivirus software, compatible to it, - Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity (KICS) is made.
To synchronize the time of all subscribers of the system, a single time server was installed TimeVisor, Together with VNIIR - a branch of FSUE VNIIM named after D.I. Mendeleev, testing was carried out and a Certificate of metrological certification of the SCADA-system KRUK-2000 was received.
At the 2nd stage of modernization the replacement physically and obsolete import flow controllers by the last Russian reserved oil flow computers TsifrOyl is planned. SIKN Delta-Torg will be certified due to changes in the structure during modernization.