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In remote villages of Ugra, cellular communication becomes faster

Customers: Department of Information Technologies and Digital Development of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra (Department of Information Technologies of Ugra)

Khanty-Mansiysk; State and social structures

Product: Telephony and Communication Services

Project date: 2018/04  - 2023/06

2023: Installation of base stations in the villages of Yuilsk and Numto, Beloyarsky district

July 4, 2023 Department of Information Technologies of Ugra reported that in the villages of Yuilsk and Numto, Beloyarsky district, standard base stations cellular communications () were installed 4G LTE with the organization of the channel using communications satellite technology. Residents and organizations became available at Internet a speed of 6 Mbps. As of July 2023 inhabited , about 350 people live in these remote points.

The works were carried out by the telecom operator Tele2 as per. Digital Inequality Elimination Program Thanks to her, from the beginning of the year, the base station was also installed in the village of Aneeva, Berezovsky district, where 101 people live. It was used here. fiber-optic communication line

2022: The start of the second stage of the program to eliminate digital inequality

The second stage of the federal program to eliminate digital inequality has started in Ugra. This was announced by the Department of Information Technologies of Ugra on January 24, 2023.

The All-Russian project "Elimination of digital inequality" (UTSN 2.0) in the district is implemented by the company's specialists Rostelecom"" with the coordination of work by the Department of Information Technologies of Ugra.

As of January 2023, within the framework of the federal program, the company's specialists began construction and installation work on fiber-optic communication line laying in the first settlement of Ugra - the village of Aneev, Berezovsky district, in which more than 100 people live. In the village there is no access Internet to and unsatisfactory quality. voice communications

The equipment has already begun clearing the track. Special machines dig trenches for cable installation into the ground. Now work is underway near the North Sosva River. In total, it is necessary to stretch about 40 kilometers of fiber over hard-to-reach areas. A base station will be installed in the village itself, which will provide mobile Internet and voice communication of standards 4G/.LTE

After installing the equipment, residents will be able to use the Portal of Public Services, distance learning, telemedicine technologies, as well as make online purchases. In the future, they will have the opportunity to connect interactive television, video surveillance and other services.

The village of Aneeva will be the first settlement of Ugra connected to the world wide Internet as part of the second stage of the federal project to eliminate digital inequality. The company is building and upgrading communications networks on an ongoing basis so that county residents use high-speed optical internet. As of January 2023, it covers more than 95% of households in the region,
said Dmitry Lukoshkov, director of the Khanty-Mansiysk branch of Rostelecom, notes.

The second stage of a large-scale project to eliminate digital inequality provides for the organization of mobile networks to organize Internet access in small villages with a population of 100 to 500 people.

The federal program is designed at least until 2030 and will cover more than 24 thousand settlements throughout Russia.

2021: 2,500 residents of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Ugra will receive access to high-speed Internet and interactive television

In the near future, 2,500 residents in the Kondinsky (Altai and Kama) and Khanty-Mansiysk (Siberian and Tuli) districts of the district will receive access to high-speed Internet and interactive television. This was reported on April 6, 2021 by Rostelecom.

This becomes possible thanks to a project to address digital inequality what is being implemented in the district Department of Information Technologies of Ugra together with PJSC Rostelecom. The company's specialists laid 200 kilometers from fiber-optic communication lines the Khanty-Mansiysk village of Kama and completed work on the to construction crossing of the Irtysh.

According to Dmitry Lukoshkov, director of the Khanty-Mansiysk branch of PJSC Rostelecom, the most difficult section was the crossing of the river in the area of ​ ​ the village. Tuli: "The company's specialists used the technology of combining an optical cable with a lightning cable. This section of the route with a length of one kilometer required a non-standard approach. Almost a year spent on the design and coordination of technical solutions, taking into account all factors. As of April 2021, the integration of the optical module into the thunderstorm is the most reliable solution for a cable crossing using high-voltage power transmission line supports across large rivers. Upon completion of these works, we will install Internet access points in the settlements of the Khanty-Mansiysk and Kondinsky districts. After the construction is completed, residents will be able to use wireless Internet at speeds up to 10 Mbps, the coverage radius of each point is up to 100 meters. "

The project to eliminate digital inequality has been implemented in Ugra since 2018. During this time, fiber-optic communication lines were built in 19 villages of the region and Wi-Fi access points were installed.

As Pavel Tsiporin, director of the Department of Information Technologies of Ugra, noted, the implementation of the project in small settlements of the district is still in demand: "For 2021, it is planned to create infrastructure in seven more settlements where from 250 to 500 people live. The program to eliminate digital inequality allows residents of hard-to-reach settlements to use the Portal of Public Services, remotely make an appointment with a doctor, quickly receive information, communicate on social networks and study. In addition, the construction of optical highways opens up prospects for the further development of communication infrastructure in remote small settlements. "