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Баннер в шапке 2

The Ministry of Industry and Trade has terminated contracts for ₽2,2 billion for the construction of a center for the development of electronics for cars

Customers: Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Industry and Trade)

Moscow; State and social structures

Project date: 2024/11

in Ministry of Industry and Trade Russia November 2024, unilaterally terminated three state contracts for the construction of an auto electronics design center and components of intelligent transport systems with a total value of ₽2,2 billion. This became known on December 19, 2024.

According to CNews, the contracts were concluded with LLC RK Service in the fall of 2022. The first contract in the amount of ₽1,25 billion provided for construction and installation work in the Moscow region on the territory of NAMI, the second - for ₽771,16 million for the laboratory research building in Moscow, the third - for ₽206,55 million for the construction of roads and infrastructure.

The work is carried out by the contractor so slowly that the completion of them by August 14, 2023 and by December 11, 2023 became impossible, the document says on termination of contracts.

The contractor has made significant delays in all phases of the work. Under the first contract, the delay amounted to 442 days for the fourth stage and 323 days for the fifth stage, which led to the accrual of penalties in the amount of ₽244,3 million.

Under the second contract, the delay reached 497 and 323 days in the first and second stages, respectively, for which penalties of ₽54,8 million were charged. For violations under the third contract, penalties were charged in the amount of ₽236,3 million.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade demanded that the contractor return advance payments in the amount of ₽1,2 billion and pay fines totaling ₽37,6 million for failure to provide documentation on subcontractors and payment documents.

The project involved the creation of a design center on the main site in Moscow and a dynamic platform at a test site in the Moscow region, including the construction of a charging station for electric vehicles, seven on-site roads, two test rings and five exits for a complex of field tests of auto electronics.

The total amount of claims against LLC "RK Service," including the return of advances, penalties and fines, amounted to ₽1,76 billion.[1]
