Customers: Deutsche Lufthansa AG Contractors: Lufthansa Systems Product: Complex projects of creation of the engineering systemsProject date: 2013/03 - 2016/09
In October, 2016 in air the first Lufthansa airplanes performing flights of short and average extent with broadband Internet access onboard will rise. It is expected that to the middle of 2018 this innovative technology will equip all liners of A320 family of Lufthansa airline.
Lufthansa Technik became the Europe's first company on the operation, service and repair of airplanes which received from the European agency on aviation security (EASA) the additional certificate (STC) for installation of antennas of Ka-range on liners of A320 Airbus family, i.e. on A319, A320 and A321 model. Existence of the certificate of STC confirms that the made modification of the airplane (hardware or the software) meet the design specifications provided by EASA. The specified changes will not affect the permanent flight validity of the aircraft.
The service which will be provided to passengers of Lufthansa and by its technology partner, Inmarsat company is based on use of the most modern broadband satellite technology (KA range) and provides a complete reliable covering on routes of short and average extent through satellite network Global Xpress Inmarsat. Passengers will get Internet access through WiFi, using the mobile devices. Except standard access to mail or work in browsers passengers will be able to use more difficult applications or to watch stream video. Later the possibility of sending sms or data transmission from the mobile phones will be implemented.
Lufthansa Technik having experience in the field of modification of aircrafts is responsible for installation of all systems and components, ensuring their functioning according to aviation and regulations. In Europe it became the first successful installation using communication networks of GX and the antenna for the work in the Ka-range developed by Honeywell company. Installation of a system required adjustment of electric equipment and structural changes as inside, and outside of a cabin of the aircraft. All modifications were developed and approved by the licensed division of Lufthansa Technik. The installed components were integrated into infrastructure of salon in such a way that they are almost imperceptible for passengers, and at the same time the crew can manage with ease their work. Mounting works of the equipment can be performed in four days or during finding of the airplane on regular maintenance.
The Lufthansa Systems company provides necessary IT infrastructure aboard. It includes implementation of network transactions and work of the innovation portal for passengers of FlyNet network.
Lufthansa performed the first-ever regular flight with broadband Internet access on January 15, 2003. Despite the growing popularity among passengers, this technically reliable service was suspended in 2006 as the Connexion by Boeing company stopped commercial operation of satellites. Since December, 2010 Lufthansa became the first airline which provided broadband Internet access on intercontinental runs again. Since June, 2015 the FlyNet system became available on all 107 long-haul aircrafts of the aviafleet Lufthansa. Lufthansa locates the world's largest long-haul fleet provided with Internet access.