Customers: Dimitrovgrad, supermarket Contractors: Service Plus Product: SuperMag (Superma)Project date: 2006/03
According to Service Plus company, its solutions for automation of retail of "Supermag" it is successfully implemented in large supermarket of Dimitrovgrad. Implementation was carried out during the project on complex automation of shop within which the integrator delivered POS terminals, fiscal registrars, scanners of barcodes and other retail store equipment with which then the information system was integrated.
The Supermag system is intended for centralized operation and registration of merchandising of retail network, warehouses and production sites of large retail trade holding. It executes calculation of merchandising and cost value with accounting of movement of batches between warehouses, production sites and shops, performs support of terms of the expiration of the validity of goods, implements the flexible system of pricing, provides maintaining agreements and settlings with suppliers, supports trade in goods with properties (color, the size, growth, a sort, etc.); contains the developed means of restriction of unauthorized access to the stored information and accomplishment of unauthorized transactions.
For information storage the server DBMS Oracle running server OS is used Windows. The organization structure of the database allows to store the complete information about merchandising, at least, in three years of functioning of the regional trading company with 300 supermarkets and also the generalized analytical information for several years.