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More than 10 thousand Dixie and Bristol employees will be connected to MTS mobile services in total

Customers: Dixy

Moscow; Trade

Product: Telephony and communication services

Project date: 2021/04

2021: Plans to connect employees to MTS mobile services

On May 13, 2021, MTS PJSC announced the strategic cooperation of Dixy and Bristol Group of Companies in the field of digital technologies. The partnership aims to increase the digitalization of companies in areas related to cloud services, the Internet of things and intelligent solutions for increasing sales and service efficiency. The cooperation will also contribute to the development of non-traditional MTS sales channels based on retail chains in the "at home" format.

More than 10 thousand employees of Dixy and Bristol will be connected to MTS mobile services. More than 2.5 thousand retail outlets will be provided with fixed communication services . Wired Internet MTS will be used for the operation of POS terminals and a number of corporate IT systems, in particular, 1C. Using VPN services, it is planned to organize a secure corporate network.

The agreement provides for the organization of joint sales and promotion of traditional and digital MTS services. It is planned to organize dedicated branded zones in the "shop in shop" format based on the Dixie network. This will allow you to buy provider SIM cards, as well as connect to MTS television, music, entertainment and financial services within walking distance from home even in sleeping areas. In stores of the Bristol network, it will also be possible to buy MTS SIM cards and connect MTS TV.

Dixie Group is actively transforming. Not only extensive development helps us move on, but also the optimization of processes and the introduction of technologies to increase business efficiency and anticipate the wishes of customers. Together with MTS in a number of Dixie stores, we are already implementing a pilot IoT project to manage electricity costs and improve point energy efficiency. We have long been using the provider's voice and Internet services. This agreement will contribute to our joint development, "said Kirill Bondarenko, vice president of IT and digital transformation at Dixie Group.

{{quote 'The agreement was a logical continuation of MTS's current cooperation with Dixy Group of Companies. The partnership provides for the use of a complex of ecosystem digital services MTS and our most promising technologies. In particular, we plan to build a pilot network 5G-ready at one of the sites logistic of the distribution centers of Dixy Group of Companies. This will increase the quality and level of automation of logistics processes, and will also contribute to an increase in the level of security at distribution sites, "commented MTS First Vice President for Telecommunications. Inessa Galaktionova }}

The agreement plans to implement projects to optimize the IT infrastructure of Dixie and Bristol using# CloudMTS cloud technologies. In particular, the MTS cloud platform will become the basis for the development and testing of digital solutions for the development of online sales and channels of interaction with consumers. The provider will provide service for IT equipment of companies as part of the colocation project on the site of its own data center.

In order to increase the efficiency of sales and manage customer experience, it is planned to implement projects based on artificial intelligence and big data. With the help of MTS technologies for big data analysis, "heat maps" will be formed for the development of retail networks and the selection of optimal locations for opening points. Big data MTS will become the basis for targeted advertising campaigns to attract buyers to online sales channels of the Dixie network, as well as new customers to offline retail.

Based on artificial intelligence technologies, it is planned to automate interaction with consumers in the contact center of the Bristol network. In particular, the launch of digital assistants that will improve the quality of service and optimize current costs by at least 15-20%. An analysis of the quality of customer service will also be carried out both in stores and in remote channels.