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APUs use British robot dogs in war zone

Customers: Armed Forces of Ukraine (APU)

State and social structures

Contractors: Brit Alliance

Project date: 2024/08

In mid-August 2024, it became known that the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) began to use robotic BAD.2 dogs developed by the British company Brit Alliance in the combat zone in Donbass. These machines are used for reconnaissance and search of mines.

According to the German newspaper Bild, robot dogs are able to penetrate trenches, trenches and buildings where unmanned aerial vehicles cannot get. Such dogs are equipped with a video camera, and control is carried out remotely by the operator. The maximum BAD.2 speed is 15 km/h. Dogs are able to effectively make their way through wooded areas and other hard-to-reach places.

APUs use British robot dogs in war zone

Robots can function within a radius of 3.5 km for up to five hours. German-made anti-heat camouflage is used on dogs, which prevents their detection. It is said that the cost of robots varies from €4 to €8 thousand, depending on the modification. As of August 2024, about 30 such dogs are used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Robotic dogs with cameras make their way through trenches and undergrowth, where Ukrainian soldiers should not expose themselves to unnecessary danger and where drones can no longer see, says Bild.

The first as it is noted, robodogs fighters of the 28th crew of AFU tested. The head of the Brit Alliance, Kyle Thorburn, said that the military is concerned about more and more frequent reports of losses at the front due to drones of the Russian Armed Forces. Therefore, the possibilities of a safer solution of intelligence tasks in areas of increased risk were studied. New robotic dogs help with appropriate front-line operations, reducing the risk to human soldiers. This, as emphasized, "not only increases the effectiveness of hostilities, but also strengthens the morale of the army."[1]
