Customers: Drilling systems Contractors: NPP Spectec Product: TRIMProject date: 2021/10
Number of licenses: 18
2021: Implementation of M&R management system
On October 13, 2021, SPtsTek NPP announced the start of a project to introduce an information system for managing equipment maintenance and repairs in the Drilling Systems company. The project is implemented on the platform of the TRIM software complex.
According to the company, the specifics of the customer's activities are large volumes of work on the dismantling, installation and transfer of field equipment and machines, including the movement of entire drilling rigs from well to well. At the same time, operations are also performed to defect the dismantled units and equipment units, to plan maintenance and repair (M&R), to form purchase requisitions.
In this regard, the company needs a system of operational accounting, planning and analysis of the processes and results of M&R. The customer's ERP system does not have such capabilities, since the accounting activities in it are tied to the receipt of primary documents, and the level of equipment breakdown implemented in accounting does not allow planning, accounting and analysis at the required level of detail.
As the basis of the created M&R information system, the company "Drilling Systems" adopted the TRIM software complex - a domestic product of the class/ EAM, and the APM contractor of the project was the company NPP SpetsTek, the developer of TRIM.
As of October 2021, specialists of the Special Tech NPP conducted a survey and began to develop design documentation. Next, you have to create database a subsystem on the operating equipment, implement a subsystem on the web platform analysts so that users can access it through. browser Develop a converter that provides exchange with data adjacent systems. License the customer to use TRIM for 18 users. Develop operating procedures in the system and train users.
The project also provides for warranty maintenance of the system for one year, after which a service support period of 12 months will follow.