Customers: Dry
Contractors: Homnet Consulting Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.0Project date: 2008/12 - 2009/08
Number of licenses: 60
Since 2002 in the company a system for conducting personnel records and payroll on the 1C: Enterprise 7.7 platform was used. However with the advent of new branches in the company document flow increased and new requirements to a system appeared. With respect thereto it was decided to transfer accounting and tax accounting of financial activities to the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform.
Within project works the scheme of planning and the expense accounting under contracts was finished and changed, costs planning at a job order expense accounting method is automated, the role of departments of planning is expanded. The packet of reports is developed for managerial accounting of financial and productive activity of the company. Automation of calculation and accounting of percent on the credits and loans according to specifics of financial activities of the company is carried out. The scheme of conducting difficult accounting of the VAT which required creation of additional documents is developed. The chart of accounts of tax accounting is configured. Regarding payroll and personnel records change of standard algorithms of calculation of average earnings and implementation of the staff list was required.
The scheme of accounting in several branches of the company in Russia and abroad is developed. For maintaining a distributed database and drawing up the filial estimate a number of necessary documents is created. Data on a remaining balance were transferred from the previous accounting system.