Customers: Duck-bill Contractors: Step Logic Product: Projects of creation of complex IT infrastructureSecond product: SCS projects and wireless network infrastructure Third product: Complex projects of creation of the engineering systems Project date: 2018/01 - 2020/11
2020: Upgrade of IT and engineering infrastructure "Duck-bill online"
On July 9, 2020 the Duck-bill announced Step Logic upgrade of IT and engineering infrastructure online.
The productive, reliable and scalable telecommunication and engineering infrastructure of geographically distributed objects of the company allowing to increase flexibly additional resources and capacities in process of the business growth, to optimize business processes is created.
For the purpose of business development, growth of number of the processed orders and quality improvement of customer service in 2018 the company made the decision on construction fulfillment-the Sever center to Solnechnogorsk of the Moscow region with a total area of 61,500 sq.m which the warehouse and an administrative complex and also own DPC entered.
For July, 2020 each picker working in FTs "North" passes up to 27 km in a day. For fall forward of collecting of orders, creations of the systems of automatic completing and online of data transmission about stock balance in the accounting systems, STEP LOGIC unrolled a wireless local computer network with seamless roaming and reservation. Difficult conditions are metal racks, high regiments, constantly changeable structure of goods – demanded to create the computer network on the basis of more than 600 pieces of access points and controllers. Selecting the most optimal model of making changes and opportunities to react preventively to failures of a system, the logical solution was to put software-defined network based on products of Cisco Systems company.
Special attention was paid to a control and management system for access which due to intellectual services of authentication and profiling guarantees connection to network only of the legitimate and entrusted devices. The task became complicated existence, in addition to simple computers and printers, a large number of devices of highly specialized appointment – terminals, scales, scanners, etc. The received profiles allowed to create the flexible matrix of access providing the principle of purpose of the minimum rights.
The issues connected with defense of perimeter, segmentation of internal network, detecting of threats of 0 days, identification of anomalies and an intrusion prevention were resolved.
Use of BIM-technology and CFD modeling as at a stage of planning and preparation of project solutions, and in the project progress for verification of engineering solutions became feature of the project regarding implementation of engineering infrastructure of DPC. It allowed to coordinate all subsystems, to minimize errors and selling costs, to make with the minimum efforts changes to the project documentation and to reduce time for design and installation works by 50%.
STEP LOGIC provided network connectivity between two platforms for implementation of smooth service migration and servers from FTs "Butovo" in DPC North. A duck-bill of ONLINE the high-quality communication as at this moment both warehouses continued to work in parallel was required (the online store takes orders and processes in mode 24х7).
The Duck-bill of ONLINE company made the decision on removal of a part of customer services at the isolated platform in external DPC, and by the end 2019 the works were completed, the reliable protected network infrastructure for communication of all geographically distributed objects with a possibility of further expansion is created.
At the beginning of 2020 upgrade of ICT infrastructure of FTs "Butovo" which work was completely suspended in 2019 began. Restart of a warehouse is planned for fall of 2020.
By assessment the Duck-bill of ONLINE, at the end of March against the background of the introduced self-isolation regime demand grew more than by 3 times. Approximately goods quantity in one order grew by 30% that in addition increased load of the available logistic capacities of the company. To meet sharply increased demand, the Duck-bill of ONLINE in short terms opened additional FTs "Mosrentgen", and in June rented one more FTs – Volkovsky. Both warehouses required the emergency connection to the existing IT infrastructure.
The ICT infrastructure constructed by STEP LOGIC allowed the Duck-bill of ONLINE company to increase quickly capacities and to connect to it a dopolgnitelnyeploshchadka, constantly improving customer service quality.
The duck-bill of ONLINE for July, 2020 is 6 platforms with secure channels of communication, failsafe data processing centers and uniform flexible infrastructure.
It is necessary to get on well at modern business every day more and more. IT – an integral part of a business model, the factor influencing the profit of the company. The created infrastructure will allow our IT services to support effectively growing network of the company, to react instantly to changes, to improve services and customer service, to save a market leadership, – Maria Artamonova, the Chief information officer Utkonos of ONLINE comments. |