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"Duck-bill" started "U: I carry" – a new management system for delivery

Customers: Duck-bill

Moscow; Trade

Product: Yandex. Routing
На базе: Yandex.Maps

Project date: 2019/01  - 2019/06


On June 18, 2019 the Utkonos company reported that it continues to work on business process optimization. In the conditions of competitive market the company aims to change constantly that not only to correspond, but also to anticipate customer expectations. For this purpose in Utkonos own management system for transport logistics of U was developed: I carry.

"Duck-bill" starts U: I carry

According to the company, the daily uneven demand, long process of routing with a big share of manual adjustments which is badly adapted to changes of a business model a delivery resource management system – here only some problems which the company aimed to solve to increase the value of the services for the client. This management system for transport allows to solve the specified problems as one complex multiple-factor task. So, U: I carry gives the chance to estimate load of intervals along routes and, as a result, to take only that number of orders which cash transport can deliver. Besides, a system helps to increase density of runs due to transition from a statistical average resource to assessment of capacity of each specific vehicle and also to consider in load assessment logistic parameters – arrangement, weight, volume – each order taking into account regularly planned not final routes. One more problem which is solved by U: I carry – management of uneven demand by means of the change in price of delivery.

"Duck-bill" starts U: I carry
For June, 2019 the Duck-bill is in epicenter of technology and product transformation, and the IT product for transport completely conforms to modern logistic standards. U: I carry it is designed taking into account loading in case of replication and scaling of business and also architecturally supports significant changes in business processes. Based on the pilot period of operation of a management system for transport the number of orders aboard was on average 10% more, than in statistically similar clusters serviced by an old system. We see that U: I carry successfully works in the conditions of uneven demand and the distributed transport resource. The company is going to configure and pass to a system until the end of summer of 2019, thereby considerably to improve qualities of service for delivery of orders.

told Mikhail Klimenko, the head of the IT platform of products for management of transport logistics of Department of information technologies

Management system for transport of the Duck-bill of U: I carry represents a set of the related functional services. The structure of the solution includes service of distribution of orders from Yandex which use allowed to reduce time for routing by 3 times and also to receive stable quality of decisions at change of a wide choice of settings without the subsequent manual corrections of routes.