Customers: EGMasters Contractors: Cloud4Y (Fleks LLC) Product: Cloud4Y IaaSProject date: 2020/04 - 2020/10
2020: Transfer of IT infrastructure to a cloud
Cloud4Y announced on November 9, 2020 transfer to a cloud of IT infrastructure of the Egyptian EGMasters.
EGMasters is the company from Alexandria (Egypt) which specializes in ERP systems (Enterprise Resource Planning).
EGMasters helps employees and heads of the companies clients to work at any time and in any place using any mobile device when ensuring confidentiality of data. Mobility, security and comfort — key advantages of the IT company on Egyptian and other local markets.
To increase reliability of the platform and to give to clients almost unlimited opportunities for scaling of business processes, EGMasters was required to rebuild own IT infrastructure radically. It required not only considerable financial injections, but also it is a lot of time. And still reorganization of infrastructure meant suspension of activity of the company for upgrade and setup of the equipment. Estimated perspectives of the similar solution at the companies and decided to use an alternative method — migration in a cloud. The best terms to Egyptians were offered by the Russian corporate cloud provider of Cloud4Y.
Cloud infrastructure of Cloud4Y allows to solve the majority of problems which face business. The company client declines all responsibility for purchase, setup, service and hardware upgrade, thereby reducing capital costs. At the same time she receives the highly productive and steadily working infrastructure with higher level of protection. Payment after delivery of consumption and an opportunity to define independently how many resources are required to time at present increase competitiveness and flexibility of the company working at a cloud platform.
After migration in Cloud4Y cloud the EGMasters company had an opportunity to provide to clients high-quality service and software that allowed to strengthen positions in the market within the country and beyond its limits.