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Electrical solutions scale business with a single LEAD WMS warehouse management system

Customers: Electrodecisions

Moscow; Electrical and Microelectronics

Product: LogistiX LEAD WMS

Project date: 2024/03  - 2024/09

2024: LEAD WMS implementation

LLC, Electrodecisions a manufacturer of electrical equipment and brand representative EKF in, Russia has completed the automation of its warehouse complexes with the help of an updated system. LEAD WMS The project made it possible to increase productivity multiple times without increasing the staff. This was LogistiX (Logistic-Tech) announced on October 3, 2024.

Over the past two years, the company has grown by almost 100%. In the context of a sharp increase in demand for domestic products and changes in the geography of supplies, the restructuring of supply chains was required - the requirements for warehouse management increased. This has become an incentive to standardize all processes and form unified approaches to logistics management.

To support business development, warehouses in Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg and other regions were automated. The area of ​ ​ objects is 19,350 square meters. m. This system increased the throughput of regional warehouses by 1.5 times, which positively affected the speed of order processing.

The choice in favor of the domestic LEAD WMS solution made it possible to continue improving the company's client service. The unified software has simplified and accelerated the processing of orders, reducing the likelihood of errors, - said Dmitry Kucherov, General Director of Electroresheniya LLC.

Among the key changes that the company has implemented chat boat are and, with voice assistant integrated LEAD. WMS These tools provide easy to data , real-time access to inventory and metrics through mobile devices. The process of working with was also modernized - Marketplaces this development linked four systems and accelerated the process of labeling orders by 5 times. Thanks to the exchange of data with the marketplace, the desired label is printed in a split second. After successful testing at the main RC, the revision was broadcast to all warehouses.