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Energostroytelekom LLC (system implementation of MOTIV)

Customers: Energostroytelekom

Moscow; Telecommunication and communication

Contractors: Motiware (Motive)
Product: Motive of EDMS

Project date: 2011/03  - 2011/06

With a management system for the company MOTIV Chief Information Officer of Energostroytelekom LLC for the was sign earlier - administered a system on former work location. Knew firsthand about ease of use of a system, rapid implementation and ease of setup therefore at emergence of need for acquisition and installation of an information system in Energostroytelekom LLC recommended to the management MOTIV.

The main objectives which should be solved were quite normal - workflow automation and operating activities of employees, including in the field of project work. To system implementation document flow and operating activities were conducted quite chaotically - different applications for preserving of documents were used. Work plans, regulatory documents became also in different applications, working meetings and discussions were not fixed and if were fixed, then files were lost by transfer on removable media, transfer by e-mail and just on computers for the different reasons (forgot where saved, deleted by negligence, the virus attack and so forth), not to mention paper versions of notes and notes. At approval of each of documents it was necessary to spend a lot of time for circulation between heads with the sheet of approvals, expectations of the arrival this or that approving, documents were forgotten, were, as a result process of approval was often dragged out for a long time. Respectively, at absence from work of some key employee all related activity stopped or frozen.

Within two weeks in Energostroytelekom LLC company examination, installation, setup, input of structure, users was conducted, cards of standard documents, routes of passing determined by regulations and training of all key users of the company is provided. Work in a system began literally in the course of implementation, users estimated at once that all activity is quickly fixed, is quickly and stored on the server which is always available within powers. Process of approval of documents became accurate, with specific terms and transparency of tracking. Documents ceased to be lost, need of the repeated 'bypasses' approving disappeared. The amount of paper stock in which often it was impossible to find necessary earlier was considerably reduced.

During installation systems integration with the existing system written by local programmers through API function use was made that too positively affected adoption of the MOTIVE system - for users process of registration at the beginning of the working day did not change, need of a set of additional actions did not appear. As a result a lot of things in the company interaction between structures became simpler, improved, losses on accomplishment of unnecessary actions left.