Customers: Eurasia drilling company
Contractors: AUTOGRAPH (Tekhnok) Product: AUTOGRAPH System of satellite monitoring and control of transportProject date: 2014/03 - 2016/11
Number of licenses: > 4 000
On March 14, 2017 the Tekhnokom company announced installation of a monitoring system the AUTOGRAPH on vehicles of Eurasia Drilling Company LLC.
Project Results
In total more than 4 thousand pieces of equipment through the whole country are equipped (together with the equipment of contract organizations).
For March 14, 2017 all main phases of works are completed, the planned indicators of economy are reached. The AVTOGRAF company continues service maintenance of our equipment. |
Using the AUTOGRAPH system the Eurasia company controls movements of the equipment, fuel consumption. In the program the system of distribution of vehicles by the organizations, sections, fields is organized.
For formation of accounting reports on a run and a consumption of fuel and lubricants automatic unloading of data from the dispatching AUTOGRAPH program in 1C is configured.