The Far East bank of Sberbank of Russia transferred service of network of 1100 ATMs to the third-party contractor
Customers: Far East bank of Sberbank of Russia Khabarovsk; Financial services, investments and audit Contractors: Maykor (Meykor) Product: Projects of IT outsourcingProject date: 2013/04 - 2014/03
On November 20, 2013 MAYKOR announced more than 1100 devices of self-service of the Far East Sberbank the beginning of works on the agreement on ensuring smooth operation.
Project Tasks
As a part of the technical park of the Far East Sberbank ATMs and payment terminals of different producers - them are equipped more than 70 departments located across all Far East. To their maintenance it is decided to attract professional service company which, based on an auction, became MAYKOR.
Project Progress
In April, 2013 the MAYKOR company started service of the equipment of the Far East Sberbank in Khabarovsk Krai. At the first stage the Service Desk systems of the customer and the contractor are integrated, basic processes of interaction between the service centers MAYKOR and divisions of bank are worked out that allowed to reduce time of processing of requests.
Now the territory of rendering services is expanded: specialists of MAYKOR began to provide technical support more than 1100 devices of self-service across all Far Eastern Federal District. Enter a complex of works on maintenance of effective operation of ATMs and information payment terminals:
- replacement of supplies,
- elimination of program and technical failures,
- diagnostics of the equipment, etc.
"For ensuring technical support of the equipment we use as internal services, and we attract third-party service providers. This year the MAYKOR company which proved in the Far East as reliable provider of services of outsourcing of technical support became one of our service partners. The fact-finding stage of work in Khabarovsk Krai showed us high qualification and competence of service specialists of MAYKOR therefore we expect that the park of ATMs and payment terminals entrusted to them will be serviced up to standard qualities", - Ruslan Slavko, the director of management of technical means and telecommunications of the Far East bank JSC Sberbank of Russia noted.