Customers: Folding@Home Washington; Science and education Contractors: Mobile TeleSystems (MTS) Product: CloudMTC (CloudMTS)Project date: 2020/03
2020: Providing cloud capacities
On March 20, 2020 announced MTS accession to the global Folding@Home project which is engaged in studying of COVID-19 virus. The #CloudMTS provider selected cloud resources for computer simulation of the mechanism of work of a virus and search of therapeutic means.
For the Folding@Home project resources which will allow to make computing transactions with speed up to 3.6 petaFLOPS are selected. For March, 2020 the project attracts computing powers from around the world to computer simulation of work of molecules of protein which participate in suppression of COVID-19 of the immune system.
In the circumstances it is important to combine efforts to save lives and human health. We decided to join the project which works on studying of COVID-19 virus and search of medicine for it. The project is open, any wishing can share computing powers and make the contribution to fight against a virus, noted the director of the cloud direction of MTS Oleg Motovilov
The provider provided capacities based on the graphic Nvidia Tesla V100d 32Gb accelerators integrated by high-speed network in 100 Gigabits. It will allow to add computing power to the Folding@Home project to which research laboratories are connected and provide data for calculations.