Customers: Future of NPF (earlier Welfare of RPE)
Contractors: Homnet Consulting Product: Homnet: NFOНа базе: 1C:Enterprise 8.3 Project date: 2016/03 - 2016/09
NPF BUDUSHCHEE and Homnet Consulting in March, 2016 signed the agreement on project implementation on transition to EPS. Need of the project is caused by Regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on transition to the new chart of accounts and industry standards of accounting for the non-credit financial institutions (NCFI).
For the choice of vendor NPF BUDUSHCHEE held a competition as a result of which the Homnet Consulting company with own solution "Homnet was approved: NFO" for non-credit financial institutions.
Solution "Homnet: NFO" will be built in the working database of NPF BUDUSHCHEE and will allow to keep account as on the existing standards of the Russian financial accounting, and according to new industry standards of financial (accounting) statements.