Customers: Genser (Dzhenser) Contractors: IBS Product: IBM Cognos ControllerНа базе: IBM Cognos Project date: 2007/11
The IBS company (file) started the project on automation of preparation of consolidated financial statements according to the IFRS standards based on the product Cognos Controller in Genser group. According to the implementation company, that software product will be implemented in Russia for the first time.
The Genser group owns network of car centers in Moscow and the Moscow region, in Kaluga, Nizhny Novgorod and Belgorod. In 2006 implementation of the large-scale program for expansion of network in regions was begun, and in 2007 the group attracted the strategic investor – a private equity fund of Volga River One Capital Partners. With respect thereto the problem of drawing up consolidated financial statements of IFRS according to the techniques accepted in group and also preparation of necessary report forms for providing to auditors and shareholders which the company intends to hand over quarterly became relevant.
Before making a final choice of the software product, customer representatives held a number of consultations with specialists of Cognos company and also with consultants of the implementation company. It was demonstrated functionality of a product, the test model of consolidation is configured, consultations on implementation project organization are held.
Before start of the project for employees of the customer training during which they gained sufficient knowledge independently to begin implementation was organized. The project is going to be completed by the beginning of 2008.