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Gorvodokanal Novosibirsk completed upgrade of DPC

Customers: Gorvodokanal Novosibirsk

Novosibirsk; Housing and public utilities, service and household services

Product: DPC Projects of creation and upgrade

Project date: 2015/01  - 2015/06


On July 13, 2015 the CTI company announced project completion of upgrade of a data processing center by request of municipal unitary enterprise of the city of Novosibirsk "Gorvodokanal"[1].

Project Tasks

Before upgrade of DPC of organization needed under repair as did not conform to requirements of regulations and rules. Gorvodokanal had a need for start of new servers, consolidation of some equipment. The customer made the decision on creation of the new premises server, conforming to domestic and foreign standards. Tender for project implementation was won by CTI company.

Economy of municipal unitary enterprise of the city of Novosibirsk "Gorvodokanal", 2013

Project Progress

Specialists of the company CTI rendered the consulting help in selection of a configuration of IT infrastructure, the engineering systems DPC, prepared the design estimates, executed supply of equipment, installation and commissioning. The contractor, according to his statement, used the best practices of creation DPC, having applied solutions of producers Rittal and Fujitsu. Works were performed in time, provided by the agreement.

Project Results

"Upon completion of the project we received the updated IT infrastructure provided with permanent power supply and cooling that increased fault tolerance of work of services, - Dmitry Pokazanyev, the chief of service of automation of municipal unitary enterprise of the city of Novosibirsk "Gorvodokanal" noted. – Based on positive experience of interaction, we can recommend CTI as the company integrator rendering a full stroke of services in creation of DPC".
"CTI implemented the complex project including all stages of works – from consultation, design and creation of the work documentation – before construction of the facility, - Anton Yakushin, the head of DPC of CTI company said. - Upgrade of DPC of municipal unitary enterprise of the city of Novosibirsk "Gorvodokanal" increased availability and safety of storage and data processing, optimized computing resources and engineering infrastructure. The implemented project will allow the enterprise to provide high quality and uninterrupted rendering services to the population with preserving of the leading positions among the regional resource supplying enterprises".
