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Rostec and Rostelecom separated areas of responsibility in development in Russia of technologies of fifth generation of mobile communication

Customers: Government of the Russian Federation

Product: Projects of IT outsourcing

Project date: 2019/07


On July 10, 2019 the company Rostec reported that with Rostelecom Government of the Russian Federation Russia communications 5G PJSC " also signed the tripartite agreement about intentions of joint development in hi-tech area "Novye pokoleniya podvizhnoy besprovodnoy ("). The agreement defines the directions of development entering an area of responsibility of each of its participants.

According to the company, the agreement became the only thing tripartite among seven Agreements of intent of joint development of the hi-tech areas signed for July, 2019 between the Government and the companies and corporations. The main engine of implementation of the Agreement will become the Road map which Rostec and Rostelecom will develop together, and then will provide to the Government.

It is clear, that communication networks of fifth generation will play a key role in providing economic, information and technology safety of the country. The solution of a question of deployment of 5G networks on the Russian equipment requires consolidation of efforts of telecom operators and the industry. To provide complex approach to the solution of this task, the Government attracted as partners in development in Russia of technologies of fifth generation of mobile communication Rostec and "Rostelecom.

told Maxim Akimov, the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia

Unlike the Road map of development of Wireless technologies of the communication developed within the federal draft "Digital Technologies" of the national program "Digital Economy" concentrated on questions of creation of technologies, in particular – fifth generation of mobile communication, the Road map within Agreements is focused on development of this technology, creation of solutions on its base and market development for a domestic communication equipment of a 5G.

According to the signed document, Rostec will provide development of the sections of the draft of the Road map concerning development of domestic technologies and the equipment, development and promotion on the market of domestic solutions, market grouping and stimulation of demand for domestic solutions and the equipment, ensuring leadership in the global technology markets.

It is about crucial technologies and creation of a modern, reliable, cybersafe communications infrastructure which for many years ahead will define success of development of digital economy in Russia. Networks of fifth generation will become a basis for widespread introduction of technologies of Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, the distributed register, Big Data, etc. The domestic industry and telecom operators already conduct active joint work in this direction. There are serious backlogs, competences which allow to implement in a complex a problem of creation of 5G networks at the high level are saved up.

told Alexander Nazarov, the deputy CEO of State Corporation Rostec

Rostelecom will be responsible for development of the sections of the draft of the Road map concerning deployment of infrastructure for implementation of mobile networks of communication of fifth generation mainly using domestic solutions and technologies and also market groupings and stimulations of demand for services and services based on mobile networks of communication of fifth generation.

We understand that development of the road map defining perspectives of development of mobile networks of communication of fifth generation is impossible only by forces participants of the signed agreement therefore we will surely employ operators of the market, expert community and other concerned parties. Only together we will be able to find optimal solutions which will accelerate emergence in Russia of 5G networks and will make our country one of leaders of implementation of new useful services on their base, including the smart cities, industrial Internet of Things, pilotless transport. And as a result - to increase quality of life, to help growth of efficiency of the state and business.

told Mikhail Oseevsky, the president of Rostelecom

Besides, Rostelecom and Rostec will develop jointly the sections of the Road map concerning providing mobile networks of communication of fifth generation with frequencies, functional and technical requirements to the equipment and the software, consumer characteristics of domestic final technological solutions and also assessment of volume of the necessary domestic equipment for implementation of the tasks